- The present market situation is nothing else than fine. 目前市场形势是最好不过的了。
- His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness. 他的失败完全是由于他自己的粗心。
- His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his own carelessness. 他在这笔交易中的失利完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。
- Virtue is nothing else than right reason. 美德无过于正确的理性。
- I'd rather do almost anything else than die. 我宁愿做别的几乎任何事情,也不愿意死。
- Why else than we offer the best rates around. 我们为什么提供了比别人最高的费率?
- He did nothing else than watch televisionall day. 他除了整。
- No one else than he spoke to me the matter. 这件事只有他对我讲过。
- His failure was due to nothing else than his own careless. 他的失败不因为其它原因,仅仅因为他的粗心。
- Memory is nothing else than a certain concatenation of ideas. 记忆不是别的,只是一种观念的连结。
- Your success was due to nothing else than your own diligence. 你的成功完全是由于你自己的勤奋。
- If the truth were known, Hareton would be found little else than a beggar. 一旦真相大白,那就会发现哈里顾同乞丐是差不了多少的。
- He did nothing else than laugh. 他只是在笑。
- I can do nothing else than admire people so poor that they go on smiling like if they were the richest of the world. 我敬佩这些人,尽管贫穷但他们仍保持微笑,就好像自己是世界上最富有的人一样。
- This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality. “高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。
- At Octogon, she is very well treated and her agent there is none else than the big boss Phil de Picciotto. 而在奥托冈她的待遇很好,她的经纪人就是大老板菲尔?皮西奥托。
- For motion is nothing else than the reduction of something from potentiality to actuality. 运动只是将事物的潜在性变为现实性而已。
- I declare that justice is nothing else than that which is advantageous to the stronger. 我断言,正义不外乎是对强者有利。
- This grating was nothing else than a piece of the brass screens with which aviaries are covered in menageries. 这个纱罩只不过是块动物园里供蒙鸟笼用的铜纱。
- Common right is nothing else than the protection of all beaming on the right of each. 这种公法并不是别的,就是大家对各人权利的保护。