- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 妇女的解放依靠她们自己。
- She spoke of the emancipation of women. 她谈到了妇女的解放。
- He touched on the question of the emancipation of women. 他也稍稍谈了一下妇女解放问题。
- The emancipation of woman will only be possible when woman can take part in production on a large, social scale, and domestic work no longer claims anything but an insignificant amount of her time. 妇女的解放,只有在妇女可以大量地、社会规模地参加生产,而家务劳动只占她们极少的工夫的时候,才有可能。
- At that time,complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual pratice. 那时候,妇女的彻底解放在实践上还做不到。
- At that time ,complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice . 那时候,妇女的彻底解放在实践上还做不到。
- At that time, complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice. 那时候,妇女的彻底解放在实践上还做不到。
- At that time,complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice. 那时候,妇女的彻底解放在实践上还做不到。
- In her novels Austen synipathized with the oppressed ~vom en, probed the cause of the fallen women andproposed the emancipation of women. 奥斯汀在小说中同情被压迫的女性,体察女性堕落的原因,从而提出女性解放。
- The bonds of the tightly knit Hindu joint family are also weakening, a process helped by legislation and the emancipation of women. 把印度教数代同堂的大家庭紧密地结合起来的束缚力也在弱化,一个由立法和解放妇女帮助下的进展。
- We stand for the full economic, social and political emancipation of women. Despite many gains, inequality and oppression of women continues under capitalism. 我们主张全面的经济,社会和政治解放的妇女。尽管有许多成果,不平等和压迫的妇女继续在资本主义。
- The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。
- Fadela Amara, the (Muslim) junior minister for inner cities, who has previously campaigned to defend women from traditionalist pressures, called it “a fatwa against the emancipation of women”. 为保护妇女免受传统压力而积极活动的年轻的城市事务部长(穆斯林)阿玛拉(FadelaAmara)声称“处女情结会阻碍妇女解放运动”。
- They worked all their lives for the emancipation of mankind. 他们为人类的解放事业奋斗了一辈子。
- The emancipation of the serfs is a great event in history. 解放农奴在历史上是一件大事。
- touch on the question of the emancipation of women 稍稍谈了一下妇女解放问题
- She is a very domestic sort of woman. 她是个十足的家庭妇女。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- She's the sort of woman who lives for others. 她是一心为别人着想的人。
- She is a very decent kind of woman, I believe. 我相信她是个很规矩的女人。