- embed linked objects 内嵌的链接对象
- A linked object must be converted at the source. 一个链接的对象必须在源位置进行转换。
- Site link objects must link at least two sites. 站点链接对象必须链接至少两个站点。
- Unable to open the specified symbolic link object. 无法打开指定的符号链接对象。
- Unable to query an open symbolic link object. 无法查询打开的符号链接对象。
- Cannot verify the update setting for the linked object. 不能验证该链接对象的更新设置。
- Site link bridge objects must link at least two site link objects. 站点链接桥对象必须链接至少两个站点链接对象。
- To insert the video file as a linked object, select the Link check box. 若要以链接对象的形式插入视频文件,请选中“链接”复选框。
- PowerPoint can't create the storage required for an embedded or linked object. 无法为嵌入对象或链接对象创建存储空间。
- Changes you make to linked objects in your document are also reflected in the original object. 对链接到文档中的对象进行的更改也会反映在原始对象中。
- Or source program (source program: The program used to create a linked object or embedded object. 或源程序(源程序:用于创建链接对象或嵌入对象的程序。
- To reflect any changes to the original data or if file size is a consideration, you should use a linked object. 如果您希望信息能反映原始数据的所有更改,或者需要控制文件的大小,则应使用链接对象。
- The source program (source program: The program used to create a linked object or embedded object. 要嵌入对象的源程序(源程序:用于创建链接对象或嵌入对象的程序。
- Provide embedded links to your remotely hosted videos on your site. 为你的视频在你的站点提供嵌入式链接。
- As a result of processing or executing an ALTER statement, the version of the linked object has changed. 由于处理或执行了ALTER语句,链接对象的版本发生了变化。
- The HIERSVR sample is an example of a Visual Editing server application that supports linked objects as well as in-place edited objects. HIERSVR示例是可视化编辑服务器应用程序的示例,它支持链接的对象以及就地编辑的对象。
- The linked object in the destination file can be updated when the source file is updated. 更新源文件时,目标文件中的链接对象也可以得到更新。
- In a linked object, passes collison events from a child prim containing a collision event to the parent. 在连接的物体中,传递碰撞事件从含有碰撞事件的子物体到父物体。
- In addition, you can permanently break the connection between a linked object and its source Excel file. 此外,您可以永久中断链接对象与其源Excel文件之间的连接。
- In contrast, statically linked object code requires that the application be relinked when the functions change. 相反,静态链接的对象代码要求在函数更改时重新链接应用程序。