- A lot of embezzlement of public funds and supplies. 挪用了大量的公款和物资。
- The Bureau undertakes to investigate cases of corruption, bribery and embezzlement of public funds, by state personnel. 承办对国家工作人员的贪污、贿赂、挪用公款等职务犯罪进行立案侦查等工作。
- The court convicted him in first instance and confirmed that his embezzlement of public funds without means to return them constituted a crime of corruption. 法院一审作出判决,认定他挪用公款不能退还的行为构成贪污罪。
- The user of the misappropriated public funds can be held as accomplice only when he or she conspires and instigates or participates plotting the embezzlement of public funds. 挪用公款的使用人只有在具备“共谋”、并“指使”或“参与策划”挪用公款时才构成挪用公款罪的共犯。
- He confessed to the assassination of eminent Party members, the distribution of seditious pamphlets, embezzlement of public funds, sale of military secrets, sabotage of every kind. 他招认暗杀党的领导,散发煽动反叛的小册子,侵吞公款,出卖军事机密,从事各种各样的破坏活动。
- Mr. Chirac's lawyer, Jean Veil, said Wednesday that the judge placed the former president under investigation for suspected embezzlement of public funds when he was mayor of Paris. 希拉克的律师韦伊星期叁说,法官调查这位前总统是怀疑他在担任巴黎市长期间贪污公款。
- the embezzlement of public fund crime 挪用公款罪
- charges relating to the embezzlement of public funds 与挪用公款有关的指控
- The agency made illegitimate use of public funds. 这个机构非法动用公款。
- embezzlement of public funds;Embezzle public funds 侵吞公款
- Embezzle public funds embezzlement of public funds 侵吞公款
- Wang Daqing, former senior official of China Aerospace Supply and Marketing Company, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for illegal gambling and embezzling of public funds. 近日,中国航天工业供销总公司原总经理助理王大庆,因挪用公款赌博被判无期徒刑。
- embezzle public funds/ embezzlement of public funds 侵吞公款
- Embezzle public funds; embezzlement of public funds; Peculation 侵吞公款
- The official has fallen into disrepute for his embezzlement of the public funds. 那名官员因盗用公款而声名狼藉。
- He was found guilty of embezzling $150000 of public funds. 他被判犯有盗用15万元公款罪。
- embezzlement of public funds [法] 盗用公款, 侵舌公款
- A legislative act authorizing the expenditure of a designated amount of public funds for a specific purpose. 批准支出一种立法行为,授权支出用于特定目的的指定公基金数额
- embezzlement of public properties 挪用公物
- If theft robbery, embezzlement of state-owned assets. 如偷盗抢劫,侵吞国有资产等。