- embroidered window curtain 绣花窗帘
- He saw a shadowy outline on the window curtain. 他在窗帘上看到一个模糊的影像。
- The window curtain keeps the heat out. 窗帘挡住了热气。
- Someone's silhouette appeared on the window curtain. 窗帘上有个人影儿。
- As the rain gradually ceased to patter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the window curtain. 雨声渐渐的住了,窗帘后隐隐的透进清光来。
- Our company is located at No.386 Nanfeng road,Shanghai.It produces window curtain rods. 公司描述: 本公司座落在上海浦东南奉公路386号,专业生产窗帘杆。
- Her time was running out, but she continued to sit by the window, leaning her head against the window curtain, inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne. 她的时间不多了,但她仍然坐在窗前,头靠着窗帘,呼吸着提花窗帘上的尘土气味。
- Every morning, the first wisp of sunlight is always soft and warm, gently opened the window curtain, her immigrant in my face. 每天清晨的第一缕阳光总是那样的柔和而温馨,轻轻拉开帘窗,她的笑靥就在我脸上。
- We are European buying office purchasing all kind of window curtain items such as pole, finial, bracket, ring, accessories ... 查看“家居用品-家具-家具配件附件”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Her time was running out , but she continued to sit by the window ,leaning her head against the window curtain , inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne . 她的时间不多了,但她仍然坐在窗前,头靠着窗帘,呼吸着提花窗帘上的尘土气味。
- Her time was running out ,but she contimued to sit by the window ,leaning her head against the window curtain ,inhaling the odout of dusty cretonne . 时间在飞逝,但是她仍然坐在窗口,头依在窗帘上,吸着沾满灰色的印花装饰布的气味。
- Beijing Yue Lai Te Doors and Windows Curtain Wall Material Co., Ltd. 北京粤莱特门窗幕墙材料有限公司。
- You can control the motor moving left and right on the curtain staff to drive the window curtain close or open eadily by pressing the button of the controller only. 使用时,只需轻轻一按遥控器或线控器按钮,控制器即指挥电机在滑杆上左右运动,电机通过窗帘环驱动窗帘开闭。
- The downy peachblossom window curtain that is permeated with a kind of green breath is hanged here, this is a window of whole bedroom, make the finishing point. 洋溢着一种青春气息的柔和的桃红色窗幔就挂在这里,这是整个卧室的一个亮点,画龙点睛。
- Main business: Aluminum door and window curtain wall machines, injection processing, machine processing, plastics moulds and production-based fixtures, etc. 主营业务:铝门窗幕墙机械,注塑加工,机加工,塑料模具,生产用夹具等
- She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief. 她把她姓名的起首字母绣在手帕上。
- She twitched the curtain into place. 她猛地拉好窗帘。
- She embroidered the cushion with flowers. 她把垫子绣上了花。
- Like the color of sunlight caught by my sleepy eyes through the window curtain when getting up in the morning, the leaf, a little corroded by years with speckles, yet steams simple and primitive fragrance. 像早晨起来睁开朦胧的睡眼透过窗帘看见阳光的那种颜色,岁月在上面留下了蚀痕,但却散发着古朴的香味。
- The shirt was embroidered with some birds. 这衬衣上绣了一些鸟。