- Library's individualized information environment emerges as the times demand along with library's individualized information service. 图书馆个性化信息环境是随着图书馆个性化信息服务应运而生的。
- This is not the notional game of be deliberately mystifying, however a new economic times emerge as the times require. 这不是故弄玄虚的概念游戏,而是一个新的经济时代应运而生。为了开辟新的市场,我们应感受它、研究它,创造感觉产品与价值,重新确定自己的战略。
- Many enterprises demand to strengthen their team building, therefore, some outward bound schools emerge as the times require and develop prosperously. 为迎合一些公司加强团队建设的理念,一些拓展公司也应运而生,而且相当繁荣。
- Antitank ammunition is faced with flinty challenge, then target sensitive projectile of LMLRS (Long range Multiple Launch Rocket System) emerge as the times require. 反坦克武器面临严峻的挑战,远程火箭末敏弹便应运而生。
- Before long, the ground of dynamic of sanitarian shoe infield of our country was started, various " medical cure shoe " " physiotherapy shoe " emerge as the times require. 曾几何时,我国的保健鞋内场轰轰烈烈地启动了,各种各样的“药疗鞋”“理疗鞋”应运而生。
- What will emerge as the region defrosts? 该地区解冻后会怎么样?
- Current, innovation of a finance gains revolutionary headway, "Content sheds a bank " emerge as the times require of impawn loan business. 目前,一项金融创新取得突破性进展,“物流银行”质押贷款业务应运而生。
- Consequently, lanzhou brushs shoe line of business emerge as the times require, of meantime vie with competition, make common people substantial one time indeed. 从外面逛一圈,进门时就要拭擦“蒙羞”的鞋子。因而,兰州擦鞋业应运而生,其间的攀比与竞争,着实让老百姓实惠了一番。“箱箱队”是擦鞋业之初的“游击队”,“队员”一般由进城村妇组成。
- Such one the home because " sudden incident " the website of emerge as the times require, go to whereto paying close attention to for place of a lot of people next. 这样一家因“突发事件”应运而生的网站,下一步将向何处去为很多人所关注。
- In that case, data mining emerges as the times require, which the CRM(Customer Relationship Management)is based on. 在这种情况下,数据挖掘应运而生,基于数据挖掘的客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)也随之应运而生。
- In the 21st century,along with the development of integrated circuit,SoC(System on Chip) emerges as the times require. 进入21世纪,随着集成电路的发展,SoC(System on Chip)片上系统应运而生。
- Administrative contract emerges as the times require in many countries as a more gentle and stretch means. 作为行政契约制度不可或缺的一部分,行政契约责任制度的确立将有效的明确行政契约双方的责任,促进依法行政在行政契约领域的实现以及行政契约纠纷的解决。
- Along with the network popularization, the digital facsimile emerges as the times require. 随着网络的普及,数字(网络)传真机应运而生。
- The direct filtration technology emerges as the times require.The backwashing is the key technology of fast-filter. 反冲洗是快滤池的一项关键技术,气水联合反冲洗对滤料过滤能力的再生效果优于单水反冲洗。
- Digital watermark technology emerged as the times require, and is becoming a hot technology to solve this problem. 数字水印技术应运而生,并逐渐成为了解决这一问题的热点技术。
- Emerging as the times require, the approach of computerization has its unexampled advantage over others. 数字化表达方式是顺应时代的发展应运而生的,自然有其它方式无可比拟的优越性。
- Accompany with the fast development of technology, new media of art emerge in endlessly. Accompany with the development of new material, new viewpoint, the new media art emerge as the times require. 伴随着人类科学技术的飞速发展,新的艺术媒介层出不穷,随着新材料、新观点的介入,新媒体艺术应运而生。
- He emerges as the master of an idiom. 他以独具一格的大师的姿态立于文坛。
- Herein of the line in aesthetic space element received the expression of incisively and vividly, white mixes oily line to lapping brunet lumber, fashionable breath emerge as the times require. 美学空间里的线型元素在此处得到了淋漓尽致的表现,白色混油线条包裹着深色木材,时尚气息应运而生。
- As the advent of Network Era, it emerges as the time requires that the webbing of traditional Brands, e-Brand and its pioneering to the traditional area. 随着网络时代的到来,传统品牌的网络化、e品牌以及e品牌向传统领域拓展都应运而生。