- emergency care unit 急诊监护病房
- The intensive care unit, any place with four walls? 重症监护病房,一个密不透风的地方?
- Some infants will be very sick, requiring care in the intensive care unit (ICU) prior to the procedure, and could possibly even need emergency repair of the coarctation. 狭窄越是严重,患儿将有更显著症状,并且会较早的发现问题,有些病例,在婴儿期就发现有缩窄。
- Patient dependency in emergency care: do we have the nurses we need? 急诊护理患者的依赖性:我们拥有所需要的护士吗?
- Acute neuromuscular weakness in the intensive care unit. 病人的急性神经肌肉萎缩。
- Leading the team is Hiroyuki Yokota, a professor at the Nippon Medical School's emergency care department. 领队的是日本医科大学急救部教授横田裕行。
- To establish and perfect an Emergency Intensive Care Unit (EICU),in order to improve the quality of rescuing and monitoring emergency patients and foster high-quality specialized emergency nurses. 建立并完善急诊监护室,提高急诊病人的抢救监护质量,培养高素质的急诊专科护士。对急诊专科护士进行监护技术培训,逐步形成一整套切实可行的急诊监护室工作流程。
- A Study of Hand Hygiene in the Postanesthesia Care Unit - It's About Time! 麻醉后监护室中手卫生状况的研究-是时候了!
- Sudden changes in speech or not beingable to see clearly are two other reasons to seek emergency care. 突然失声或视力模糊也是寻求紧急救助的两大原因。
- She is in isolation in an intensive care unit and is in stable condition. 她正在深切治疗部接受隔离,情况稳定。
- A place providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained. 在正规医学援助能够得到之前提供紧急援助的地方。
- After the angioplasty procedure, you will be moved to a special care unit. 病人在接受完血管成形术后将会被送到一个特殊的护理病房。
- He said: Since I chose the pediatric emergency care, it means that I chose the dedication and sacrifice. 他说:既然我选择了儿科急救护理工作,就意味着我选择了奉献,选择了牺牲。
- Due to the seriousness of his condition, he was put in the intensive care unit. 由于病情严重,医生把他安排在了特护病室。
- Accident and emergency care is free for everyone. 70% of kiwis have no medical insurance. 急救和突发事故救助属于免费的社会保障,70%25左右的新西兰人因此没有医疗保险。
- They provide emergency care for 3000 people in the southwest Alaska town of Aniak and 13 surrounding villages. 她们为阿拉斯加南部的安尼雅克镇和周围的13座村庄的3000人提供紧急医疗救助。
- Still, many needed supplies, instruments and facilities are lacking, and emergency care is spotty. 但还远远不够,许多设备药品都很匮乏,紧急救护的水平不一。
- For further information regarding emergency care services, please call the University Health Centre on 2609 6423 on weekdays. 欲进一步了解紧急护理服务,可于平日致电2609 6423保健处查询。
- He'd been rescued by a Blackfoot Indian,had lain unconscious for six days in a Montana hospital's intensive care unit,and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye. 在蒙大拿一家医院的特别护理室昏迷了六天,最终还是留下神经损伤和右眼失明的后遗症。
- Each case would contain supplies suf?cient for the emergency care and treatment of 20 to 25 patients for approximately 24 hours. 每个箱子包含足够维持20至25名病人大约24小时的紧急护理和治疗所需物品。