- emergency power package 应急电源组
- Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility; k. 有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;
- Primary applications include fans, flywheels and emergency power installations. 主要用途包括风机、飞轮和应急供电装置等。
- President Ren inspected the application of emergency power in Leader workshop. 任总在利达总部车间考察应急电源的技术应用情况。
- Congress voted the president emergency powers. 国会通过授与总统紧急命令权。
- B: OK, the Power Package includes power windows and locks, power mirrors, and a power antenna. 好,这个套件包含自动窗、自动锁、自动镜和自动天线。
- The working principle and core structure of the online monitoring and predicting system for waterflooding power package are expounded. 阐述了油田注水机组状态在线监测及预测系统的工作原理与核心结构。
- The dimens i on of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。
- Broad side skirts skilfully underline the dynamic design of the standard model and make the AS4 Avant look like a real power package on the road. 广泛的侧裙巧妙地突出了标准模型的动态设计,使AS4看起来像一个前卫的道路上真正的动力组件。
- Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾说他将使用紧急权利。
- It is very hard to fish the stuck submersible electric pumps in the deep deviated holes in Jidong Oilfield owing to the complicated power package and fairly large pump OD. 冀东油田油水井较深、斜度大,电潜泵外径大、机组结构复杂,泵被卡落井事故时有发生,给打捞作业带来很大困难。
- Mr.Tandja has responded by assuming sweeping emergency powers. 坦贾通过准备备用力量对此进行回应。
- The dimension of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。
- Liebherr-Aerospace presents at the Paris Air Show an emergency power system based on fuel cell technology. 利勃海尔宇航将在巴黎航展上展示基于燃料电池技术的应急功率系统。
- For use with emergency generator to lockout lag pump when operating with emergency power. 与应急发电机一起使用,采用应急电源在泵运行时关闭滞后泵。
- The engineering design of contactless emergency power supply is presented in the maglev. 该文所研究的是磁浮列车非接触紧急供电系统的工程化设计实现。
- The government has been granted emergency powers(= to deal with an emergency). 政府已被授予应急权力。
- The fuel cell emergency power system (FCEPS), another forward-looking Liebherr technology, will also be presented at the Paris Air Show. 同时,燃油应急动力系统,以及其他的利勃海尔技术将在航展期间展示。
- The mixers of both slaking and holding tank are provided with emergency power, to prevent the lime milk to settle down in the tanks. 熟化槽和贮槽的搅拌器都配备应急电源,以防止槽中石灰乳的沉淀。
- So it is imperative that the emergency power system on offshore platforms should meet the requirements of relevant safety standards. 因此海洋平台上的应急电源系统必须要满足有关安全标准规范的要求。