- As evident as the CDM's flaws are, however, they only add to the importance of establishing a global carbon emissions trading system that works. 不过,尽管CDM机制有这样明显的缺陷,但这些缺陷只能说明:建立一个管用的全球碳排放交易体系变得更重要了。
- Hereby, the emission trading system is a valuable environmental economic system. 因此,排污权交易制度是值得推行的一项环境经济制度。
- Transaction Cost and Design of Emission Trading System 交易成本与排污权交易体系的设计
- The Optimal Timing Decision Model of Building Emission Trading System 实施排污权交易制度的最优时机决策模型
- Establishment of Water Pollutants Emission Trading System within Water Basin 流域水污染物排放权交易构建
- What is the “edge” for that trading system? 那么这个交易系统的优势是多少?
- Third, deepen reforming trade system. 第三是要深化外贸体制改革。
- Legislation of Emission Trading System and Its Effects on Pollution Discharge of Firepower Plants 排污权交易制度及其对燃煤电厂污染排放的影响
- emissions trading system 排污权交易制度
- Second,we must maintain a liberal world trading system. 第二,我们必须维持一个自由开放的世界贸易体制。
- Second, we must maintain a liberal world trading system. 第二,我们必须维持一个自由开放的世界贸易体制。
- Carbon emissions' trading is a mitigation of greenhouse important measures, as well as one of the hot researches. 碳排放权交易是缓解温室效应的一项重要措施,也是当前科学研究热点之一。
- We prosper through the maintenance of an open trading system. 通过持续使用开放的交易系统,我们生意兴隆。
- A good trading system gives you an edge in the market. 一个好的交易系统给了你一把在市场中战斗的利刃。
- The EU Emissions Trading Scheme, currently in pilot phase, will from 2008 be fully compatible with Kyoto international trading. 该计划目前正处于试验阶段,从2008年开始将与京都贸易计划接轨。
- In September 2001, the first sulfur dioxide emissions trade was successfully completed in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. 2001年9月,江苏省南通市成功实现了我国首例二氧化硫排污权交易。
- MVR - Monitoring Verification and Reporting - will be essential if emissions trading exchanges are to be credible, not just in China. 若要实行可接受的排放交易,监测认证和报告(MVR)对于中国和其他国家来说将很关键。
- Critics immediately jumped all over the government's plan, saying the government's emissions trading scheme is merely electioneering. 批评人士随即越过政府计划的内容,抨击政府的温室气体排放交易计划纯粹是以选举操作为目的,而非出自于关心暖化的议题。
- Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?
- Two documents totalling 68 pages also laid out choices on nuclear power, emissions trading, forests, shipping or aviation, and other issues. 文长68页的两份文件还针对核能、排放权交易、林业、运输或航空和其他问题,提出了供讨论的方案。