- Concentration of emotional energy on an object or idea. 聚精会神精神集中于某物或某种想法上
- She's invested a lot of emotional energy in that business. 她为那事费尽心思。
- Number two. You tap into that emotional energy called Thanksgiving. 第二,你会得到感恩的情绪力量。
- To concentrate emotional energy on(an object or idea). 集中精力于将精力集中于(某物或观点)
- The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. 利比多与本能的生物欲望有关的生理的或情感的能量
- I won't invest emotional energy into things I can't change. 我不会花费精力去做我不能改变的事情。
- You realize your need to regroup and recharge your emotional energy this year. 你意识到今年自己需要开足马力才会在感情上有所收获。
- Then downshift your response accordingly,saving your emotional energy for disasters. 回到办公桌后你会感到精神焕发,干劲十足。
- Seek to remove emotional energy from your being connected with pain/pleasure y connected memory patterns. 寻求把与痛苦/欢乐有关的记忆模式的情感能量从你的存在中移开。
- In any case, the deprivation becomes unresolved emotional energy that compels them to behave in ways that will satisfy the addiction. 不管是哪个原因,这种剥夺成为未解的情绪能量,迫使他们想办法以满足这种癖好。
- The radiant hopes and murderous hates that the Chinese peasantry poured into the sphere of war and revolution released a flood of emotional energy that exploded with the force of an atomic bomb within Chinese society, nearly dissolving it. 中国农民投入战争与革命中的热切的希望和刻骨的仇根,化成巨大的激情的能量,像在中国社会中爆炸一颗原子弹似的,几乎把中国社会炸得粉碎。
- Imagine a ratio where the numerator measures the magnitude and frequency of strategic transformation and the denominator reflects the time, expense, and emotional energy required to effect that transformation. 设想这样一个比率:分子是衡量战略性调整的程度和频率;分母代表能使调整产生作用所需的时间;费用和主观能动性.
- You must begin to vibrate with this energy and to clear the passages of the self, the emotional energies that hold themselves locked in your physical body. 你们必须开始与这能量一同振动并且通过净化自身通道,持有并锁定在物质身体中的情感能量。
- These procedures begin by purging much of the toxicity (negative emotional energies and experiences) that you have imperceptibly accumulated since childhood. 以这方式,我们能够观看你的变化精细微妙(光体)领域。
- She had a major emotional upset. 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。
- She sang an emotional song about love and death. 她唱了一首关于爱情和死亡的动人的歌曲。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 人们常说女人比男人更富于感情。
- Young people usually have more energy than the old. 青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。
- Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情,他却无动於衷。