- Emotional expression came to the fore. 情绪性的表现居于首位。
- Among deep emotional acting, basic emotional express and the degree of interation can be used to predict the levels of teachers intrinsic satisfaction. 其中,深层情绪伪装、基本的情绪表达、互动程度对内在满意具有预测力;
- This emotional expression is a critical element in Lyrical dance. 这个感情的抒发是抒情舞的一个重要元素。
- Among deep emotional acting, basic emotional express and the degree of interation can be used to predict the levels of teachers' intrinsic satisfaction. 其中,深层情绪伪装、基本的情绪表达、互动程度对内在满意具有预测力;
- E.g. emotional expressions such as problem area, cumbersome process, or poorly controlled imply a foregone conclusion. 类似于问题存在于,讨厌的处理过程或是无法控制这样的有感情倾向的语言容易暗示某种结论。
- It is primarily a form of emotional expression, a gesture, or dramatic performance. 它主要是一种感情的表达方式,一种姿态,或是一种富于戏剧性的表演。
- Revolving around the onomatopeia and mimesis words, this paper studied their characteristics in emotional expression. 本文试图以拟声拟态词为中心,来考察其在感情表达时的特点。
- Through my pelvis, only the creative, sexual and emotional expression of the God Goddess of my form shall flow. 只有我自己体内神与女神的创造力、性能量及情感表达,才可以流经我的骨盆而流动。
- If we keep chasing this curve of more and more polygons we're not going to get more emotional expression. 如果我们持续把这个雕刻出来更多的多边形(把这个变得太具体),我们就不会有更多的情感表达。
- You need to be aware of how your habits of emotional expression will affect peoplei n a particular culture. 你必须明白你表达情感的习惯在某一特定文化背景下会对人们产生何种影响。
- His practical style redetermined the prespective of narration and the mode of emotional expression. 他以“实说”体式重新确定了叙述视角和抒情模式;
- An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image. 20世纪的一种艺术风格,强调情绪的表现,以浓重的色彩、鲜明的构图,扭曲、夸张的形象处理为特点。
- The key problem Dose a immovable rule of emotional expression of camera language exist? Or it is depend on the fortuitous inspiration of the author? 镜头语言与情感表达之间是否有一种放之四海而皆准的规律可遵循?还只是创作中作者灵感突发的一种偶然事件?
- From the result, we found Chinese parents discipline their children directly with punishment and scolding, with little emotional expression. 研究结果发现,华人父母管教很直接,多为惩罚与责骂,但情感表达很含蓄,不惯常直接向子女表达情感。
- Dose a immovable rule of emotional expression of camera language exist? Or it is depend on the fortuitous inspiration of the author? 镜头语言与情感表达之间是否有一种放之四海而皆准的规律可遵循?还只是创作中作者灵感突发的一种偶然事件?
- However, intimacy requires emotional expressiveness, and many couples either lack the skills or desire to confront life's problems. 可是,亲密需要情感上的表达,许多伴侣要么缺乏技巧要么缺乏心情来面对生活的问题。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- Subjects in the SAD group were easier to be irritated? impulse? lose temper and hard to control mood. They were more depressive in emotional expression and apt to conceal. 社交焦虑障碍组在情绪上更明显表现为急躁、冲动、容易发脾气和难以控制情绪,以及情绪表达上更压抑和掩饰。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。