- Empiric therapy should cover the most common organisms of severe CAP. 如经验性应用抗菌药物,应注意针对引起重症CAP的最常见病原体。
- If we use the analogy of pesticides: empiric therapy would be “Raid” while targeted therapy is the “Roach Hotel. 如果我们使用杀虫剂来类比;经验治疗是"搜捕";而靶向治疗就像"蟑螂屋".
- It is helpful to the physicians, especially in the initial antibiotic empiric therapy. 该指南对内科医师有帮助,尤其在开展经验性抗菌药物治疗方面。
- It also may be used as empiric therapy for presumed fungus infection in patients with fever and neutropenia. 也可以用于白细胞减少发热病人中怀疑可能有真菌感染的经验性用药。
- These data sere as the basis for new eidence-based guidelines.Modification of empiric therapy to include aminoglycosides should be considered. 这些数据为新的循证指导方针提供了良好的依据,经验治疗的调整也应考虑氨基糖甙类的应用。
- Neither the risk factors assumed by the guidelines nor the choice of empiric therapy was predictie of either the early treatment response or the final functional outcome of the peritonitis episodes. 抗菌素治疗的选择和疾病风险因素的认定对疾病早期治疗的反应或最终疾病的预后是不可预测的.
- Indications include empiric therapy for febrile neutropenic patients, moderate to severe pneumonia, uncomplicated and complicated urinary tract infections, uncomplicated skin/skin structure infections, and complicated intra-abdominal infections. 适应证包括:热心中性白细胞减少症患者、中重度肺炎、并发和非并发尿道感染、非并发皮肤和皮肤结构感染以及并发腹腔内感染。
- A Reevaluation of Empiric Therapy for Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis 经验性治疗腹膜透析患者相关性腹膜炎的重新评估
- Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped. 伤残人士在治疗中,自助自立是个重要因素。
- The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. 冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法
- Physical therapy alternates with chemical. 理疗和化疗交替进行。
- This text will make a brief summarize of initial empiric antibiotic therapy. 本文就初始经验性抗菌药的选择作一简要概述。
- empiric therapy 经验疗法
- Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation. 射线疗法暴露在辐射前的疗法或冶疗
- The talk and travel is its own kind of therapy. 对他来说,交谈和旅行有特殊的治疗功效。
- Estrogen hormone therapy advice is not yet uniform. 激素激素治疗意见尚不统一。
- Mark was referred to Orff Music Therapy. 马克接受了奥尔夫音乐疗法。
- Perhaps it is grief therapy for myself. 这也许是为了解除我的悔恨。
- Medical therapy involving exposure to sunlight. 日光(浴)疗法一种通过暴露在阳光里达到治疗效果的治疗方法
- Those who stutter often receive speech therapy. 那些口吃者经常接受语言治疗。