- The polices always employ all available means to catch the theif. 警察经常会千方百计;用尽一切办法去抓小偷的.
- employ all available meansvi. 千方百计(用尽所有办法)
- All available means have been trie D. 所有的办法都用尽了。
- to employ all available means 用尽所有办法, 千方百计
- All available means havebeen adopted to bring through the badly-burnt person. 采取了一切可能的措施来拯救这位严重烧伤的病人。
- The Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability. 联邦准备体系将动用一切可得运用的工具,以促进恢复可支撑的经济成长和维护物价稳定。
- In these circumstances, the Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote economic recovery and to preserve price stability. 在这类环境下,联邦准备体系将运用所有可运用的工具,促进经济复苏和保持物价稳定。
- "The government must use all available means to stem rising unemployment and provide much-needed support for those who are struggling to pay their bills," Barber said. “政府必须采取所有可能的措施来遏制不断上升的失业率,并且向那些还在为生计发愁的人们提供必要的支持,”巴伯说。
- Mr Aso said a Japanese stimulus package outlined yesterday would “mobilise all available means” to prevent the world's second largest economy's “floor” from “falling out”. 麻生太郎说,昨天出台的日本经济刺激纲要将“动员一切可利用的手段”,防止世界第二大经济体的“底线”被“击穿”。
- External propaganda work is very weak,putting us in a grave situation in which we are fighting a war unknown to the outside world. We have failed to keep the outside world constantly informed of our military life via all available means. 对外宣传工作显得极微弱,“打哑巴仗”的现象严重存在,经常用各种方法对外宣传我们的战斗生活大为不够。
- Mr Aso said a Japanese stimulus package outlined on Tuesday would “mobilise all available means” to prevent the world’s second largest economy’s “floor” from “falling out”. 日本首相麻生太郎说,日本周三的一揽子经济刺激方案将广泛的刺激日本的经济,以防止全球经济环境的第二次触底。
- A doctor who advises you realistically about your illness and uses all available means to treat you and to keep you comfortable and functioning for as long as possible is not forsaking you. 如果一个医生对于你的疾病提出现实的建议,采用了所有可能的方法来进行治疗,以让你感到舒适并生存尽可能长的时间,那么他绝对没有抛弃你。
- I employ all my energies in writing. 我把我的全部精力用于写作。
- He was a Machiavellian, who would employ all means to attain to power. 他是一个马基雅维里式的人,会用一切手段来获取权力。
- “The Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability,” it said. 申明提出,“美联储将采取所有可以采取的手段以刺激经济的复苏以及维持物价的稳定”。
- We must utilize all available resources. 我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。
- They've bought up all available land. 他们已将现有的土地全部买下。
- You must utilize all available resources. 你必须利用一切可以得到的资源。
- That people can employ all means for money is a FMT target even be human being significance on the crook, as if money accommodates oneself to. 为了金钱人们可以动用一切手段甚至是极端手段,仿佛金钱就是人类生存意义格式化的目标。
- You are the admiral, and you decide how to employ all of your forces in battle. 你就是舰队司令,怎样在战斗中分配使用你的军队由你来决定。