- These words are empty of meaning. 这些话毫无意义。
- He drove through streets empty of traffic. 他驱车驶过没有行人车辆的街道。
- At night these busy streets during the day become empty of traffic. 入夜这些白天繁忙的街道空无行人车辆。
- His words are empty of sincerity. 他的话没有诚意。
- Her words were quite empty of meaning. 她的话实在没有意义。
- Something empty of meaning or sense. 无意义的事没有意义或情理的事物
- This article is fall of words empty of meaning. 这篇文章满是毫无意义的话。
- Theirs is a life empty of happiness in it . 他们的生活中缺少快乐。
- The thing is quite empty of meaning. 这东西全没有意义。
- This paragraph is completely empty of meaning. 这一段毫无意义。
- The grocery was empty of vegetables. 杂货店的蔬菜卖光了。
- The room was empty of furniture. 房间里什么家具都没有。
- As yet his head was empty of all thoughts. 他这时头脑里还是空洞洞的,什么念头也没有。
- This trunk is empty of its contents. 这只箱子空空如也。
- These boxes are empty of cigarettes in them . 这些盒子里没有香烟。
- They are empty of credibility, and motivation. 他们缺乏真实性,缺乏一种行为的动机。
- They are empty of credibility,and motivation. 他们缺乏真实性,缺乏一种行为的动机。
- A space relatively empty of matter. 相对真空
- Her words are quite empty of meaning. 她的话毫无意义。
- The room was nearly empty of furniture. 房间里几乎没有什么家具。