- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- Bukbuyeo was the predecessor of Goguryeo. 北夫余是高句丽的前身。
- Returns the predecessor of an ordinal value. 返回序数值的前驱值。
- emulate the predecessors 依傍前人
- You are the predecessors of what is to come. 你是即将面临的事物的前辈。
- The predecessor is routing group B. 前置路由组是路由组B。
- It is the predecessor of Libreville. 它就是利伯维尔的前身。
- The proverb tell us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- The proverbtells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- It does not emulate the rendering of any specific device. 它不模拟任何特定设备的呈现内容。
- What would happen if VDS tried to emulate the SAS approach? Why? 如果VDS公司尝试模仿SAS公司的作法可能发生什么事?为什么?
- The predecessors of the big catapults were the sling and the bow. 秘诀在于如何拉弓。
- They discussed how to emulate the selfless spirit of these comrades. 他们讨论如何学习这些同志大公无私的精神。
- It updates the predecessor for all updated routing groups. 更新所有已更新的路由组的前置路由组。
- Some smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings. 某些小城市在提供文化设施方面如今比得上大都市。
- The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar. 儒略历是公历的前身。
- Taiyuan Zoo is the predecessor of the City Park Wo Hu. 太原动物园的前身是太原市卧虎山公园。
- Now there was added a proclivity to emulate the scale of French colonial rule. 现在又增加了一种要同法国殖民统治规模媲美的倾向。
- Shanxi is the predecessor of the Teachers College, founded in 1958. 其前身是晋南师范专科学校,创建于1958年。
- Mages often seek to emulate the powerful relics lost to time and apocalypse. 法师们一般致力于寻找模仿因时间和启示录而遗失的强力遗迹的方法。