- enatic clan society 母系氏族公社
- They still kept traces of the clan society. 他们还保留了氏族社会的痕迹。
- Yandi clan society of this period is an outstanding leader. 炎帝也就是这一时期氏族社会一位杰出的首领。
- The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society. 原始公社是一个以母系为主的氏族社会。
- The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society . 原始公社是一个以母系为主的氏族社会。
- From this one can tell that the dance also came from a primitive dance of the clan society. 可见它原来也是氏族社会中的原始舞蹈。
- Mythology was created in barbarism clan society, with a long course, with persistent creation and development. 神话产生于原始氏族社会,并伴随漫长的历史进程,不断创造和发展。
- The Yangshao culture is apart from now approximately five to 7000, is the matriarchal clan society's developed time. 仰韶文化距今约五至七千年,是母系氏族社会的发 达时期。
- In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge. 在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。
- In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate took the role of bridge. 在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。
- Primitive dance in the clan society not only served as an instrument of entertainment, but also for religion, education, and many other functions in the social life. 原始舞蹈在氏族社会中不仅是娱乐工具,也是宗教工具、教育工具,承担着社会生活中的多种功能,
- In primitive horde era,people have right to utilization amd have no right to occupation for property,the actual occupation begins with clan society. 原始群时代 ,人们对于财产只有利用而无占有 ,实际意义上的占有开始于氏族社会。
- Objectives: In the traditional Achang clan society, sex was associated with unchastity, and was regarded as disgraceful or filthy. 在传统阿昌族社会,性与伦理道德和不洁的观念联系在一起,性行为成为羞耻或丑恶的事情。
- The sacredest duty of shamanism is follow with interest the clan society traverse abundant activity of offer sacrifices to gods. 萨满教以关注氏族生存为最高神职,通过丰富的神事活动凝聚整个氏族。
- At the same time, they also created primitive mythologies which was created in barbarism clan society, with a long course, with persistent creation and development. 神话产生于原始氏族社会,并伴随漫长的历史进程,不断创造和发展。
- Generally believed that a matriarchal clan community of early end to the patriarchal clan society transitional phase, has entered advanced paternal clan society. 一般认为,早期 属于母系氏族社会末期向父系氏族社会过渡阶段,中、晚期已进入父系氏族社会。
- C. 9- the 8th century, Greece clan society gradually disintegrated, the city-state system's slave society formed gradually, has established more than 200 city-states. 公元前9-8世纪,希腊氏族社会逐步瓦解,城邦制的奴隶社会逐渐形成,建立了200多个城邦。
- Because of this, we can Yan Emperor Shen Nong China Times as primitive by the matriarchal society to patriarchal clan society, from ignorance, barbarism and civilization transition. 正因为如此,我们可以把炎帝神农时代看成是中国原始社会由母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会,由蒙昧到野蛮、文明的转变时期。
- The absolutist power of the father in clan society came mostly from the possession of women taken in forays against neighboring clans. 氏族社会中长老的绝对权力,主要表现在对从邻近氏族掠夺来的妇女的占有上。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。