- Please fill in the form enclosed herewith. 请填写随函附上之表格。
- Please find the cheque enclosed herewith. 兹随函附上支票一张,请查收。
- Enclosed herewith is an twenty-fen stamp. 随函附上二十分的邮标一张。
- A set of samples is enclosed herewith. 附信附上一套样品。
- Enclosed herewith is an tewnty-fen stamp. 随函附上二十分的邮标一张。
- Enclosed herewith is a copy of our Export List. 现随函附寄我公司出口商品表一份。
- Please fill inthe form enclosed herewith. 请填写随函附上之表格。
- I enclosed herewith a chequefor 200 yuan. 兹附上200元支票一张。
- I enclosed herewith a cheque for 200 yuan. 兹附上200 元支票一张。
- A set of samples is enclosed herewith . 附信附上一套样品。
- Please find two samples enclosed herewith. 寄上样品两种,请查收。
- Enclosed herewith is a twenty-fen stamp. 随函附上二十分邮票一张。
- A catalogue of commodities is enclosed herewith. 随信附上商品目录一份。
- I enclose herewith two copies of the contract. 随函寄上合同副本两份。
- Please find ten samples enclosed herewith. 寄上样品十种,请查收。
- A list of the names of the contributors is enclosed herewith. 随信附上捐款人的名单。
- Enclosed herewith is my score report form the department concerned. 附上各科成绩的报告单。
- We enclose herewith an inquiry sheet. 兹随函附上询价单一份。
- Enclosed herewith are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume. 兹随函附寄毕业证书两份及简历表一份,仅供参考。
- I enclose herewith a cheque for 10 pounds. 随信附上十镑支票一张。