- There was an attacking drill to end the session, with Kalac and Fiori in goal. 最后,进攻练习结束了整堂训练课,卡拉奇和菲奥里守门。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to cancel the user request to end the session. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否取消用户请求以结束会话。
- Trying to end the session before the afternoon Muslim call to prayer, he said there are many people outside of the United States that think of Americans only as selfish and crass. 他试图在下午穆斯林宣礼前结束讨论。他说,在美国以外,有很多人认为美国人就是自私和粗鲁的。
- The measure was hung up for the session. 这项措施这次会上没有讨论。
- Non-union labour was used to end the strike. 雇用了没参加工会的工人以结束罢工行动。
- Friday's fastest Rosberg, meanwhile, ended the session watching his FW31 being lifted onto the back of a flat-bed truck, perhaps after running out of fuel. 星期五最快的罗斯伯格,同时,结束了会议看他的FW31吊运到后面的平板卡车,也许后耗尽燃料.
- His appearance in the flesh end the rumour about his death. 他亲自露面使传说他死亡的谣言不攻自灭。
- At the end the old car was practically falling apart. 最后,这辆旧汽车实际上已经要零散了。
- Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting. 如果没有别的事情,我们的会议可以结束了。
- Indicating the type of the session change event. 指示会话更改事件类型的。
- They have not decided on adjuring the session. 他们还没决定是否休会。
- The server unexpectedly closed the session. 服务器意外的关闭了会话。
- The President had a clear mandate to end the war. 总统得到明确的授权结束那场战争。
- The session module supports both methods. 会话模块支持这两种方法。
- This increases the size of the session object. 它会增加会话对象的大小。
- In the end the conspiracy was brought to light. 阴谋终于败露。
- They ended the party off with a song. 他们唱支歌结束了晚会。
- This is not true for the session implemention. 但会话实现并非如此。
- Specifies where to store the session state. 指定在哪里存储会话状态。
- Let's end the wasteful competition. 让我们停止这种有损无益的竞争吧。