- I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did. 我想要象他一样帮助濒危的野生动物。
- How many jobs should be sacrificed in order to protect endangered wildlife? 为了拯救濒危野生动物应该牺牲多少就业机会?
- Opinion polls show that 94 percent of Canadians support laws to protect endangered wildlife. 民意调查表明,94%25的加拿大人支持保护野生生物法律。
- But "Arctic Tale" is not a typical addition to a lengthening line of somber documentaries on dangerous or endangered wildlife. 但"北极故事",并不是一个典型的另外一个延长线低沉纪录片危险或濒危野生动物。
- Experts say the wetlands play an important role in regulating climate, improving the ecological environment, and are home to endangered wildlife. 专家称,湿地在调节气候和改良生态环境中扮演着重要的角色。并且是一些濒危野生动物的家园和避难所。
- Experts say the wetlands play an important role in regulating climate, improving the ecological environment, and are home to endangered wildlife . 专家称,湿地在调节气候和改良生态环境中扮演着重要的角色。并且是一些濒危野生动物的家园和避难所。
- Taya: The Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife. 禁止贩卖野生动物同盟旨在减少对濒危野生动物及野生动物组织的需求,并对偷猎和提供野生动物提起诉讼。
- Against Wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife. 反对野生动物交易联盟正致力于减少濒危野生动物及其身体部分的需求,而且会起诉那些偷猎和提供野生动物来源的人。
- The Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife. 联合抵制野生动物奸商的目标瞄准了减少对野生动物和野生动物器官的需求,减少对偷猎和提供野生动物的起诉。
- As these territories spread, it encroached on the habitats of endangered wildlife, resulting in the extinction of millions of Duro's indigenous animals. 这些不断扩建的厂区侵犯了濒危野生动物的生存空间,导致了杜罗星数百万特有动物的灭绝。
- Other endangered wildlife on the list such as lion, crocodile, hippopotamus, sea turtle and orchid are not used as Chinese medicine, therefore will not be discussed here. 表列其它珍稀动植物;如狮子;鳄鱼;河马;海龟;兰花等;中医基本不作药用.;故本文不赘述
- Development of the area would endanger wildlife. 开发这一地区将会危及到野生生物。
- The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife. 扩大城市面积危害着野生物。
- A group of scientists on the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada put together and updates the list,which now includes 291 endangered or threatened species,with another 23 already extinct. 加拿大濒危野生生物状况研究委员会的一个科学家小组整理出一个最新的统计表,里面包括了291种濒危或受威胁的物种,还有另外23种已经灭绝。
- The area is home to numerous rare and endangered wildlife species such as the wild yak, Tibetan wild ass, or kiang, the migratory Tibetan antelope, or chiru, Tibetan argali and snow leopard. 这一地区拥有大量的稀有濒危野生物种,例如:野牦牛、藏野驴,又称西藏野驴、迁徙性的藏羚羊,又称藏羚、藏盘羊、以及雪豹等。
- A group of scientists on the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada put together and updates the list, which now includes 291 endangered or threatened species, with another 23 already extinct. 加拿大濒危野生生物状况研究委员会的一个科学家小组整理出一个最新的统计表,里面包括了291种濒危或受威胁的物种,还有另外23种已经灭绝。
- Yael: We often hear about how human activity and expansion can endanger wildlife habitats. But can you think of any animals that might be threatened by the disappearance of humans? 我经常听到关于人类活动和扩张会危及野生动物的栖息地。但是你想过有些动物会因为人类的消失而受到威胁吗?
- “I don't want daddy's passion ever to end。I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did,” Bindi said。 “我不想爸爸的热情永远幻灭,我希望能像他一样挽救濒危动物。”
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- We should do our best to save endangered species. 我们应该竭尽全力挽救濒于灭绝的生物。