- The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。
- The fascinations of the circus are endless. 马戏表演非常吸引人。
- His endless talking hinders me from my study. 他没完没了的谈话妨碍了我的学习。
- The rank of book shelves seemed endless. 那一排书架似没有尽头。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance. 我太忙了,没空听她那没完没了的牢骚。
- Crowds thronged the main square of the city. 城里的大广场上挤满了人群。
- I am tired of his endless interruptions. 我讨厌他不断的打扰。
- It seemed an endless undertaking. 那件事办起来像没个完似的。
- He has given me endless love all his life. 他一辈子给了我无尽的爱。
- The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall. 全校在大礼堂集合。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- The days stretch out in an endless vista. 时日在无穷的展望中延展着。
- Fables often have animals as the main characters. 寓言常以动物为主角。
- A heavy snowfall block the main road. 一次严重的降雪阻塞了主要公路。
- Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。
- The gas main explode and set fire to the house. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火。
- My patience is almost worn away by her endless complaints. 她抱怨个不停,几乎使我的耐性消耗殆尽。
- I grasped the main point of the speech. 我领会了这篇演讲的要点。
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。