- When Gn-RHa is used continuously for more than two weeks, the production of oestrogen stops, depriving the endometrial implants of oestrogen, causing them to become inactive and degenerate. 在连续使用Gn-RHa两周之后,患者的雌激素分泌就停止了,子宫内膜接收不到雌激素就会变得不活跃并开始退化。
- Ovarian endometrial implantation 卵巢巧克力囊肿
- endometrial implantation cyst of ovary 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿
- endometrial implant 内膜植入片
- Implant a pacemaker; implant a drug capsule. 植入一个起搏器; 植入一个药物胶囊
- Sampson endometrial implant 桑普森子宫内膜种植
- In this operation the surgeons implant a new lens (in the eye). 医生在这次手术中给病人(眼球)植入了新的水晶体。
- How do you implant good manners in your children? 你是怎样培养儿女们懂礼貌、守规矩的呢?
- Here is early secretory endometrium. 这是早期分泌期子宫内膜。
- Implant [plunge] the pick into... 把镐插入。。。
- Then observe the changes of endometrial thickness. 观察子宫内膜厚度的变化。
- A dental implant;a subcutaneous implant. 牙齿的植入;皮下移植
- In this operation the surgeons implant a new lens . 医生在这次手术中给病人植入了新的水晶体.
- This is normal secretory phase endometrium. 这是正常的分泌期的子宫内膜。
- You should implant good habits in children. 你应该使孩子们养成好习惯。
- Implant a pacemaker;implant a drug capsule. 植入一个起搏器;植入一个药物胶囊
- One solution is to implant a donor cornea. 一种解决办法就是植入捐赠的角膜。
- How should the implant be placed? 植体是怎样植入的?
- PICARD: Data, I don't *have* Setup Implant #1. 我*没有*安装植入物%231。
- Clinical analysis of the rupture of ovarian endometrial implantation cyst in 39 cases 卵巢子宫内膜异位症囊肿破裂39例临床分析