- endotracheal airway 气管内导气管
- Endotracheal tube (ETT) fire is a catastrophic disaster that may occur during laser surgery of the upper airway. 摘要二氧化碳雷射应用在上呼吸道部位的手术时,造成气管内管起火燃划极严重的一个并发症。
- The airway may be maintained by either endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy if necessary. 如果必要的话,可以通过气管插管或气管切开术来维持呼吸道的畅通。
- However,at PEEP 5 cmH2O level,endotracheal suction induced hypoxia,high airway pressure and low blood pressure in ARDS piglets would last longer. 但在PEEP5cmH2O组,吸痰所引起的缺氧、气道高压及低血压持续时间较长。
- Asthma is a disease characterized by airway hyperreactivity to nonspecific stimuli.Stimuli such as the endotracheal tube may cause bronchoconstriction. 哮喘是气道对非特异性刺激具有高反应性为特点的一种疾患,如气管插管等刺激可导致支气管收缩。
- Laryngeal mask airway(LMA)is a kind of airbreather above glottis between ventilation using endotracheal tube and face mask. 喉罩是介于气管内插管通气和面罩通气之间的声门上通气装置。
- Asthma is a disease characterized by airway hyperreactiity to nonspecific stimuli.Stimuli such as the endotracheal tube may cause bronchoconstriction. 哮喘是气道对非特异性刺激具有高反应性为特点的一种疾患,如气管插管等刺激可导致支气管收缩。
- Objective To observe the safety and feasibility of laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal intubation anesthesia used for laparoscopic gynecology operation. 目的观察喉罩与传统气管内插管麻醉用于妇科腹腔镜手术的安全性、行性。
- Carefully watch the patient for edema of the upper airway with respiratory obstruction. The airway may be maintained by either endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy if necessary. 仔细观察病人是否有带有呼吸阻塞的上呼吸道水肿。如果必要的话,可以通过气管插管或气管切开术来维持呼吸道的畅通。
- Airway fire resulting from ignition of the endotracheal tube (ETT) caused by electrocautery during tracheostomy is a severe and possibly fatal event, and should be avoided. 摘要气管切开手术中因使用电烧引发气管内管著为燃烧是一种很严重且可能致命的并发症。
- Initial therapy for these patients included endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy, antibiotics for pseudomonas, frequent suctioning and careful monitoring of the airway. 本篇就其临床表现、并发病、治疗方式及后遗症等提出去告,并提供经验与心得。
- However, failure to secure free airway following airway obstruction due to kinking of endotracheal tube or other tube problems may lead to lethality instead of lifesaving. 然而,若因管子弯折或其他问题导致呼吸道阻塞而无法及时排除和处理常常造成病患死亡。
- Preoperative Corticosteroids for Reactive Airway? 术前皮质类固醇预防反应性气道?
- Observe for signs of airway obstruction. 观察气道梗阻体症。
- Could you tell me your airway bill No., Please. 客服:您可以告诉我您的运单号码吗?
- Asthma is a common airway disease in HK. 哮喘是常见的呼吸系统过敏疾病。
- Predicting Trouble in Airway Management. 在气道管理中预测评价的问题。
- In severe cases, the airway can constrict. 重症患者会出现气管痉挛。
- There is a purple airway in London Airport. 伦敦机场里有一条皇家专用飞机跑道。
- If they are unable to protect their airway due to encephalopathy or massive stroke, they may be intubated( have an endotracheal tube placed through their mouth or nose into the trachea) to minimize the possibility of aspiration. 如果病人因脑病或大面积中风无法保护气道,这时就需要插管(即经口或鼻施行气管内插管),最大限度地减少抽吸可能性。