- The enemy soldier disguised as civilian. 一名敌兵伪装成了平民。
- An enemy soldier pointed a loaded gun towards me. 一个敌军士兵把子弹上了膛的枪对着我。
- The enemy soldier put his hands up and surrendered. 第五个功能是表示投降。例如:这个敌兵举手投降。
- I even ripped off pistol of drunken enemy soldier. 而那支手枪是我在喝得醉醺醺的敌兵身上偷的。
- He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier. 他拔出枪对准敌兵。
- Enemy soldiers ransacked the town. 敌兵洗劫这座城市。
- We must rout the last enemy soldier out of the town. 我必须将本镇的敌兵肃清。
- A round fired by the enemy soldier has hit the squad leader. 敌 军 士 兵 射 出 的 子 弹 已 经 击 中 了 班 长 。
- The scout opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier. 侦察兵用手臂挡住敌兵的打击。
- The enemy soldiers took to their heels when they saw us. 敌人看见我们就逃走了。
- The enemy soldiers fled and let the devil catch the hindmost. 敌兵纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。
- He was captured and made prisoner by enemy soldiers. 他被敌军俘虏。
- He was captured and taken prisoner by enemy soldiers. 他被敌军俘虏。
- When the enemy soldiers were crossing the river, we fell on them. 敌军正在渡河时,我们向他们发起进攻。
- In the hand-to-hand fight, he ran the bayonet through several enemy soldiers. 在肉搏战中,他用刺刀接连捅死了好几个敌兵。
- Enemy soldiers ravaged the village. 敌军士兵洗劫了城镇
- Dont fire at me. The enemy soldier cried, raised bothhis hands and gave in. 敌兵喊道,别开枪。他举起双手投降了。
- No sooner had the enemy soldier pushed the door open than the mine exploded. 敌人一推门,地雷应时就炸了。
- The enemy soldiers liberated chickens and sheep. 敌兵将鸡和羊掳掠一空。
- The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers. 民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。