- energy and power engireering 能源与动力工程
- It invigorates the bodity energy and power . 功能:驱风化痰,活血通络。
- Several green pressure groups, and even some energy and power company bosses, think that the whole idea is unworkable. 许多绿色压力集团s,甚至一些能源、电力公司的老板都认为这整个想法是不可行的。
- The structure of slant nozzle is often used in the equipment in chemical, petrochemical, energy and power industries. 斜接管结构是石油、化工、能源及动力工程中常见的一种结构。
- The angry sage gave Indra a curse that he and the Devas would begin to lose all their energy and power. 愤怒的圣人给予因陀罗一道咒语,他和天神开始失去所有的能量和力量。
- Boxer Muhammad Ali also showed great energy and power in all his movements as he became the boxing champion of the world. 在拳击手穆罕默德?阿里在为世界冠军的过程中,他也同样表现出了旺盛的精力和过人的力量。
- It contains EV batteries,VRLA batteries with high specific energy and power,36/42 V batteries for new automotive electrie system. 上篇内容是电池的新进展 ,包括电动车电池、高比功、高比能阀控铅酸电池 ,新 36 / 4 2V体系汽车用高比功 (高电压 )电池 ; 下篇涉及电池组件与材料 ,包括负极、隔板、原材料以及储能与环境保护等内容。
- In his new book (excerpted here), he outlines a different way to think about energy and power issues, particularly electricity. 在其新书(摘录如下)里,他概括介绍了一种与众不同的考虑能源和动力问题,特别是电力问题的方法。
- HU Shengteng, FU Weibiao.Experimental Investigation of the Soot Deposition in Honeycomb Regenerators. Journal of engineering for thermal energy and power. 邢桂菊,胡升腾,傅维镳。碳黑沉积规律的实验研究。热能动力工程。
- Spectral data of water vapor molecules have been widely used in the fields of aerospace science, atmospheric science, astrophysics, thermal energy and power engineering. 水蒸气分子光谱数据在航天科学、大气科学、天体物理以及热能动力工程中有着广泛的应用。
- A supporter of the rights and power of the people. 人民党主义者人民权利与权力的支持者
- Utilizing modern media and analyzing tools, CVShop exhibits individual's professional skills with clarity, endowing individuals with renewed energy and power. 通过运用现代化分析和传播手段,CV工作室清晰诠释个人职业能力,赋予个体以新的力量和活力。
- The job called for all my resources of energy and patience. 这项工作需要我拿出自己的全部精力和耐性。
- HU Shengteng, FU Weibiao, XING Guiju.An Investigation of the Influence of Water Vapor Injection on Soot Formation During Liquid Fuel Pyrolysis. Journal of engineering for thermal energy and power. 胡升腾,傅维镳,邢桂菊。水蒸气对液体燃料高温分解炭黑形成影响的研究。热能动力工程。
- A point of view in frequency-domain energy-converting was presented and the corresponding model was constructed by analyzing the energy and power exchanges between APF and the power system. 通过对APF与电力系统间能量交换及功率流动的分析,提出APF频域能量变换的思想,并建立频域能量变换模型;
- The application of HHT and RBF neural net works for processing fault2vibration signals from centrifugal pumps[J].Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power,2007,22(1):84-87(in Chinese). HHT与RBF神经网络在离心泵故障振动信号处理中的应用[J].;热能动力工程;2007;22(1):84-87
- He had broad shoulders and powerful arms. 他肩膀宽大,双臂有力。
- Zhong Beijing,Hong Zekai.Numerical simulation of catalytic combustion of CH4 in a microburner[J].Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power,2003,18(6):584-588(in Chinese). [18]钟北京;洪泽恺.;微燃烧器内甲烷催化燃烧的数值模拟[J]
- Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing. 能量和原材料价格飞涨。
- He fairly revered property and power. 他相当尊重财产和权力。