- Energy shortages are choking growth in many branches of industry. 能源短缺阻滞着许多工业部门的发展。
- Blizzards have snapped power lines and destroyed houses and farmland, prompting fears of food and energy shortages. 暴雪损坏了电力线路,摧毁房舍和农场,引发了粮食和电力短缺的恐慌。
- But energy shortages have forced the Chinese Government's imposition of the intention of aluminum to control the industry demand for energy. 但能源的短缺已经迫使中国政府对铝材征收出口税,以控制这个行业对能源的需求量。
- The energy shortage of the world results partly from wasteful use by the industrialized countries. 世界能源的短缺,部分是由于工业化国家挥霍能源而引起的。
- Three decades of breakneck economic growth has left China facing serious energy and environmental problems, with air and water severely polluted and acute energy shortages. 中国三十年非常危险的经济增长给中国带来了严重的能源和环境污染问题,其中就有包括严重水污染和突如其来的能源短缺。
- They also act as disturbance handler to take corrective action in response to previously unexpected problems, like strikes, copyright infringements, and energy shortages. 充当纠纷处理者的角色时,他们将采取纠正举措,解决以前没有预料到的问题,如罢工、侵权和能源短缺;
- The United Nations is urgently appealing for more than $25 million to help some two million people in the Central Asian country of Tajikistan who are suffering from severe cold and energy shortages. 联合国紧急呼吁募集超过两千五百万美元的资金,帮助中亚国家塔吉克斯坦的大约两百万正在忍受严寒和能源短缺的人。
- It is just possible that America may yet salvage an agreement.Since Kyrgyzstan faces energy shortages and a mass return of migrant labourers from Russia, it may be susceptible to persuasion. 现在美国仍有可能挽救即将废止的合同,因为吉方正面临着能源短缺以及在俄务工人员大量返回等问题,或许它能听得进劝。
- It is possible for an energy shortage to hold up the growth of lean meat. 能量短缺可能使瘦肉的生长受到抑制。
- He was concerned about the energy shortage and drought in Guangdong. 他关注广东的能源短缺及干旱问题。
- We are going to have an energy shortage not only during the period of the Sixth Five-Year Plan but for a fairly long time thereafter. 能源不够,不仅是“六五”期间的问题,也是今后相当长时间的问题。
- In the bag run,there should be no such things as an energy shortage,because the entire universe consists of energy. 从长远来看,不该有能源短缺这样的问题,因为整个世界都是由能组成的。
- The energy shortage is not such as to cause anxiety because with the development of science more and more new energy sources will be found . 能源短缺问题还不致于那样使人忧虑,随着科学的发展,将会发现越来越多的新能源。
- Way you look at it, nuclear power will reduce the problem of an energy shortage. 不管你从哪个角度看,核能都将缓解能源短缺的问题。
- In the bag run, there should be no such things as an energy shortage, because the entire universe consists of energy. 从长远来看,不该有能源短缺这样的问题,因为整个世界都是由能组成的。
- Be easy to tired, or have no obvious reason to feel energy shortage, the physical strength can not stand up. 易于疲乏,或无明显原因感到精力不足,体力不支。
- No matter what crises of the moment dominate the headlines, the world's energy shortage is the most critical challenge of the next decade and beyond. 不管是多么紧张的局势占了头条新闻,世界能源短缺,却是未来十年及今后最难应付的局面。
- The energy shortage is not such as to cause anxiety because with the development of science more and more new energy sources will be found. 能源短缺问题还不致于那样使人忧虑,随着科学的发展,将会发现越来越多的新能源。
- In the face of our country energy shortage,developing energy saving products and adopting new circling green energy are the best solution. 面对我国的能源紧张,开发节能产品和采用可循环使用的绿色能源是最好的解决办法。
- However, overusing energy will cause the energy shortage, energy crisis, the price of energy going up, and environment pollution. 但是过度地使用能源将引起能源短缺、能源危机、能源价格上涨及环境污染等问题。