- We will work hard to resolve transportation bottlenecks and continue to upgrade energy structure. 着力解决交通运输“卡脖子”路段,进一步优化能源结构。
- In terms of energy structure, Guangdong has stuck to the principle: To maximise the use of electricity and oil, but consume less coal. 其次广东在能源结构方面下工夫:少用煤,多用电,多用成品油。
- The Iranian energy structure is the important reason why many countries strengthen and develop the relationship with Iran. 伊朗的能源构成也成为多国加强与其发展关系的重要原因之一。
- We will optimize urban energy structure by introducing and developing the use of cleaner high-quality energy such as natural gas and electricity. 优化城市能源结构,大力引进和发展天然气、电力等优质清洁能源。
- After con sultation with Taiyuan Gas C o.,Taiy uan Iron &Steel Group Co.Ltd.used civil gas,which reduce d the cos t and optimized energy structure. 与太原市煤气公司协商后引入了民用煤气,既降低了生产成本,又优化了能源结构。
- The strategies and methods for process integration and optimization in accordance with the energy structure are outlined. 概述了按照能量流结构进行过程能量综合优化策略和方法;
- Indicating that coal is still occupied the main posion in China energy structure and putting forward the suggestions for coal cleanr production and utilization in future. 指出了在较长的时期内,煤炭仍在我国能源结构中占主要地位,并对今后煤炭的清洁生产与利用提出建议。
- But the gas demand is quite various in different areas.In Russia's Siberia area with rich resource, the proportion of natural gas in the energy structure is up to 57.6%. 各地区的天然气需求差别很大,资源丰富的俄罗斯西西伯利亚地区天然气在能源结构中的比例高达57.;6%25;
- Through analzing the composition of TSP, it stresses that both ecological construction and energy structure adjustment are crucial to controland reduce the concentration of TSP. 文章通过分析TSP的构成,说明了生态建设与能源结构调整是根治TSP浓度过高的两个主要手段。文中采用大量统计数据,科学论证了治理工程,呼市的大气污染一定能得到根治。
- Within the Tyndall Centre scenarios, renewable energy plays a much bigger role in China’s energy system in 2050, adding to a more diverse energy structure. 根据廷道尔中心的情景分析,可再生能源将使能源结构更加多样化,并在2050年的中国能源体系中发挥更大的作用。
- The red dots are the lowest energy structures of each completed trajectory. 大概就是每一个小阶段的最低能量结构吧。
- The relevant departments under the State Council and the local people's governments at various levels shall adopt measures to improve the urban energy structure and popularize the production and utilization of clean energy. 国务院有关部门和地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,改进城市能源结构,推广清洁能源的生产和使用。
- It will speed up the construction of hydropower facilities,reduce the proportion of coal in the energy structure,and combat the negative influences of acid rain and global warming. 加快水电建设,降低煤炭在能源结构中的比重,减轻酸雨和气候变暖对发展粮食生产的负面影响。
- We rely on the progress of science and technology and conduct the research and application of technology of clean and high effective energy and promote the adjustment of energy structure of Beijing city. 依靠科技进步,开展清洁高效能源技术的研究与应用,促进北京市能源结构调整。
- This opportunity will be seized to optimize China's energy structure and quicken industrial upgrading. Efforts will also be made to take about 10 years to raise the ratio of natural gas in China's energy consumption to around 8 percent. 他表示,将抓住这一机遇推动中国能源工业结构优化和产业升级步伐,争取用10年左右时间,使天然气在中国能源消费结构中的比重提高到8%25左右。
- For 1r69, the median rmsd of the low energy structures increased from 1.29 to 2.80. 在1r69实验中,最低能量结构的RMSD从1.;29提高到了2
- For example, in the 1ogw case, the median rmsd of the low energy structures increased to 4.50. 比方说,在1ogw实验中,最低能量结果的RMSD提高到了4.;50。
- Structure We rely on the progress of science and technology and conduct the research and application of technology of clean and high effective energy and promote the adjustment of energy structure of Beijing city. 依靠科技进步,开展清洁高效能源技术的研究与应用,促进北京市能源结构调整。
- It will speed up the construction of hydropower facilities, reduce the proportion of coal in the energy structure, and combat the negative influences of acid rain and global warming. 加快水电建设,降低煤炭在能源结构中的比重,减轻酸雨和气候变暖对发展粮食生产的负面影响。
- This paper studies the relation among energy consumption,GDP and energy structure with cointegration theory and studies the Granger causality between the three time series of 1980-2003 in Guangzhou. 能源消费及能源结构与GDP之间关系对于广州的能源环境和经济的可持续发展十分重要。 本文在广州市1980-2003年的年度统计数据基础上,运用格兰杰因果关系检验研究了时间序列变量之间是否存在因果关系;