- Thomas J.Szabo,Judson Welcher.Dynamics of low Speed Crash Test with Energy Absorbing Bumpers[J].SAE,921573. 王晓.;汽车碰撞吸能元件的理论与试验研究[D]
- Describe the energy absorbing mechanism of composite metallic foams. 描述了复合泡沫金属材料的吸能机制。
- Energy absorbing systems for use in klettersteig (via ferrata) climbing. 您当前的位置:搜库网首页 - Mountaineering equipment.
- Energy absorbed per unit mass of the material. 单位质量物质吸收的电离辐射能量。
- We design and manufacture die system for the production of underbody panels, inter-structural panels , outer-body panels and bumper systems. 我们设计和生产的模具主要用于生产汽车底部板,内结构板,外车身板和保险杆系统。
- With outstanding ductility and energy absorbing properties, combined with good strength and castability. (AM60B have comparatively higher tensile strength) E.g. 除高强度及铸造性能外,更有卓越的延展性及能量吸收特性.
- Optimizes the solar energy absorbed by the collector. 优化集热板的太阳能吸收。
- We design and manufacture die systems for the production of underbody panels, inter-structural panels, outer-body panels and bumper systems. 我们设计和生产的模具主要用于生产汽车底部板,内结构板,外车身板和保险杆系统。
- The new system, adapted from mineral-analysis technology, exploits differences in the amount of X-ray and neutron energy absorbed by different types of material. 这一改编自矿物分析技术的新系统充分利用不同类型材料吸收的X射线和中子能量数量上的差异(来分析)。
- After the falling mass has come to rest, measure within 1min after fall the distance apart of the two attachment points of the energy absorbing system under the static load of the falling mass. 在冲击块停止下落,并且在冲击块的静载情况下,能量吸收系统的两个附着点分离开后的1分钟内测量。
- With the decrease of relatively density of aluminium foam, its elastic modulus, yielding stress and energy absorbing ability decrease, and the peak of energy absorption efficiency increases to some extent. 随相对密度的降低,泡沫铝的屈服应力、弹性模量和吸能能力降低,吸能效率的峰值有所增加。
- To compare the kinetic energy Absorbing capacity of the different treated specimens,kinetic energy Absorbing capacity per volume specimen was achieved by integrating the true stress-strain curves. 通过对应力-应变曲线进行面积积分获得了试样单位体积吸收的动能值,用以比较不同处理状态试样的动能吸收能力。
- The mechanical damping properties of metallic foams has been studied in the paper. It is found that metallic foams is a light high-damping material with great energy absorbing characteristics. 研究了泡沫金属的机械阻尼性能,表明泡沫金属是一种具有高能量吸收特性的轻质高阻尼材料,其阻尼特征表现为与应变振幅密切相关,而与应变频率无显著关系的非线性内耗。
- An improved algorithm was put forward to study the quantity and placement optimization of energy absorbing dampers for wind-induced vibration reduction of space reticulated structures (SRS). 摘要针对空间结构振动抑制问题,基于经典遗传算法提出改进算法,进行阻尼器的位置寻优和数量寻优。
- Parameter Analysis of Bumper System Based on Pedestrian Lower Leg Injury 基于行人腿部伤害指标的保险杠参数分析
- Theory analysis is studied about energy absorb in the case of static and dynamic axial crushing for metal circular tube filled with aluminum foam. Mathematics models are got about energy absorb and its structure parameters relation. 本文首先在考虑空心圆管与泡沫铝相互作用的情况下对泡沫铝填充圆管在静、动态轴向压缩的情况下的能量吸收进行理论了研究,得出泡沫铝填充圆管在静、动态轴向压缩的情况下的能量吸收与其结构参数之间关系的数学模型;
- Cylindrical Systems as Energy Absorbing Devices for Improving Rear Bumper Crashworthiness of Trucks 用筒系吸能结构改进横梁的缓撞性能
- Absorbed dose is a physical quantity to measure the radiation energy absorbed by unit mass of substances. 吸收剂量是用来量度电离辐射与物质相互作用时,单位质量物质吸收辐射能量多少的一个物理量。
- Simulation Study on the Frontal Collision Performance for the Bumper System of a Saloon Car at Low Speed 轿车保险杠系统低速正面碰撞性能的仿真研究
- The dissociation of the water vapor in arc and energy absorbed by dissociating reaction are analyzed. 对水蒸气保护下电弧焊熔池中氢的吸入机理进行了探讨。