- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- The enforcement of the laws must be strict. 执法必严。
- The police is responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责法律的实施。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- The inquiry into the enforcement of the law embodying gender equality entails great expense. 这个法律体现了性别同等,对该法的履行情形的调查须要花很多钱。
- The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship's mortgage. 船舶抵押权实现中的诉讼程序适用法院地法。
- Enforcement of the law is essential to the development of an accountable government. 法律的执行对于负责任的政府的发展而言是非常必要的。
- Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 不懂法律不是藉口。
- So we expect the enaction and enforcement of the law of citizen participation and the law of administrative procedure. 其次,从理论和实践两个方面论证了将“无过错原则”作为公有公共设施致害的国家赔偿责任归责原则的合理性;
- His defiance of the law cost him dearly. 蔑视法律使他付出沈重的代价。
- Allow for enforcement of the domain encapsulation. 允许增强对域的封装。
- He kept the letter of the law but not the spirit. 他遵守法律的字面条文,而不是其精神实质。
- A policeman is a limb of the law. 警察是执法人员。
- He affected ignorance of the law. 他假装不知法。
- He deserves to be punished with the full rigour of the law. 他应该受到法律最严厉的惩罚。
- He fled to Brazil trying to escape the long arm of the law. 他逃到巴西,企图逃避恢恢法网。
- Pleading ignorance of the law won't help you if you are caught. 假若因犯法被抓住,借口不知是犯法亦无济于事。
- He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law. 他应该受到法律最严厉的惩罚。
- If you continue to act widely in defiance of the law you will be put down. 如果你再继续胡作非为的话,你一定要降职的。
- We should resolutely correct laws, lax enforcement of the trend. 要坚决纠正有法不依、执法不严的倾向。