- Punishment shall be meted out to those who seize the opportunity to engage in sabotage, theft or embezzlement, or abscond with public funds, assets or records, or refuse to give an accounting. 如有乘机破坏,偷盗,舞弊,携带公款、公物、档案潜逃,或拒不交代者,则须予以惩办。
- After there is peace and order throughout the country, they are sure to engage in sabotage and create disturbances by one means or another and every day and every minute they will try to stage a come-back. 在全国平定以后,他们也还会以各种方式从事破坏和捣乱,他们将每日每时企图在中国复辟。
- The only exceptions are those who refuse to correct their mistakes after repeated warnings and continue to engage in sabotage in violation of the criminal law; these will have to be punished. 只在一种情况下除外,就是累戒不戒,继续进行破坏活动,触犯刑律,那就要办罪。
- Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 我这样的年纪积极参加体育活动是否明智?
- I have no time to engage in gossip. 我无暇闲聊。
- They engage in the study of music. 他们从事音乐研究。
- Let's not engage in personalities. 我们别再进行人身攻击了吧
- to engage in sabotage, theft or embezzlement, or abscond with public funds, assets or records, or refuse to give an accounting. 如有乘机破坏,偷盗,舞弊,携带公款、公物、档案潜逃,或拒不交代者,则须予以惩办。
- I have no time to engage in the debate. 我没时间参加辩论。
- engage in sabotage 从事破坏
- The two often engage in a battle of words. 他俩总是唇枪舌剑的。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他们从事国内贸易。
- To engage in a formal discussion or argument. 正式讨论参与正式的讨论或辩论
- Those who engage in mental work are also workers. 从事脑力劳动的人也是劳动者。
- We engage in both export and import business. 我们进出口业务都做。
- be on guard against bad elements making trouble and engaging in sabotage 防范坏人破坏捣乱
- Some of them are engaged in advanced studies. 他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。
- They are engaging in a duel of words. 他们双方在斗嘴。
- He was engaged in medical research. 他从事于医学的研究。
- The professor is engaged in advanced studies. 该教授正进行高深的学术研究。