- We felicitated John on his engagement to marry. 我们祝贺约翰订婚。
- The young man's friends felicitated him for his engagement to marry. 翻译:那年轻人的朋友们祝贺他订婚之喜。
- She ordered the "wretched boy" to give up his engagement to marry Miss Costigan. 她命令那个“没出息的孩子”取消与科斯蒂根小姐的婚约。
- It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。
- He is affianced to the princess, ie engaged to marry her. 他和公主订婚了.
- He thereupon asked her to marry him. 他随即向她求婚。
- He is going to marry Jane in May. 他打算五月和简结婚。
- I take it you wish to marry her. 我以为你想和她结婚。
- I don't want the news about our engagement to come out yet. 我还不想让人知道我们订婚的消息。
- He asked me to marry him but I refused. 他向我求婚,但我拒绝了。
- She desired to marry a rich man. 她很想嫁个富翁。
- The affair ended amicably in 1981,when Llewellyn,who was eager to marry,became engaged to fashion designer Tania Soskin. 1981年,急于结婚的卢埃林与时装设计师塔尼娅·索斯金订婚,这段恋情友好地结束了。
- She paused before consenting to marry him. 她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。
- She refused to marry that con artist. 她不肯嫁给那个骗子。
- The affair ended amicably in 1981, when Llewellyn, who was eager to marry, became engaged to fashion designer Tania Soskin. 1981年,急于结婚的卢埃林与时装设计师塔尼娅·索斯金订婚,这段恋情友好地结束了。
- He broke off his engagement to her. 他对她解除了婚约。
- You agreed to marry me, warts and all! 是你同意和我结婚的,毫无保留的。
- If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and become a paraplegic ,would you gothrough with the marriage or back out of it? 假如你的未婚夫因为车祸瘫痪了,你会坚持和他结婚,还是退婚呢?
- If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? 41有一天,你的房子突然失火了。你把自己最喜欢的东西和宠物都抢救出来了,你还有时间,平安无事地冲进屋里救一样东西,这样东西会是什么?
- Vic has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her.He should take bull by the horns and ask her to marry him. 斐克和萝拉订婚已有好长一段时间,我也知道他爱她,他实在应该勇敢地向她求婚。