- Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。
- He got in by pretend to be a telephone engineer. 他假装成电话工程师进来的。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- His father meant him to be an engineer. 他父亲打算让他当工程师。
- His dream is to become an engineer. 他的梦想是将来成为一名工程师。
- Be you student engineer or assistant engineer? 你们是见习工程师还是助理工程师?
- He got friendly with a young engineer. 他与一位年轻的工程师交上了朋友。
- Don was appointed chief engineer of the project. 唐被委任为该项工程的总工程师。
- Mr. Smith apprenticed his son to an engineer. 史密斯先生让他的儿子跟一个工程师当学徒。
- The engineer bestowed much time on the project. 这位工程师把大量时间花在那个工程上。
- We work under an experienced engineer. 我们在一位经验丰富的工程师手下工作。
- He was trained there as a mining engineer. 他在那里被培养成一名采矿工程师。
- He felt creatively and emotionally sterile. 他感觉自己既缺乏创造力又没有充沛的感情。
- Resolve technique problem creatively. 创造性地解决技术问题
- The new cameras fail creatively. 新相机创造性地失效。
- Failing creatively is the hallmark of vivisystems. 创造性地失灵是活系统的标记。
- Miss Wang draws both skillfully and creatively. 王小姐画画既有技巧又有创造力。
- Start adding the splatter creatively. 开始添加飞溅创造性。
- The spy's cover was that she was a consultant engineer. 那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师。