- Cost management under engineering bill pricing mode in construction enterprises 工程量清单计价模式下施工企业的成本管理
- Setting bidding price based upon ABC method under engineering bill pricing mode 清单计价模式下利用ABC法编制投标报价的探讨
- Strengthen finance investment evaluation work under engineering bill pricing mode 工程量清单计价模式下加强财政投资评审工作
- Measures to prompt the transformation from fixed quota pricing to engineering bill pricing mode 谈定额计价如何向工程量清单计价转变
- Origination and management of quotas of enterprises under engineering bill pricing mode 浅谈工程量清单下企业定额的编制与管理
- engineering bill pricing mode 工程量清单计价模式
- The Process Control of the Engineering Price in Project Work Bill Price Mode 工程量清单计价模式下工程造价的过程控制
- Difference between engineering bill pricing and fixed quota pricing 工程量清单计价与定额计价的区别
- Auxiliary work should be done for carrying out engineering bill pricing 实行工程量清单计价应完成的匹配工作
- Similarities and differences between engineering bill pricing and fixed quota pricing 谈清单计价与定额计价的异同
- Considerations on GB codes for engineering bill pricing of construction engineering 对建设工程工程量清单计价规范的思考
- Influences of implementation of engineering bill pricing on construction enterprises and countermeasures 实施工程量清单计价对施工企业的影响及对策
- engineering bill pricing 工程量清单计价
- The project work bill price is reformed inevitable in our county construction engineering price and the convention requirement of international construction project. 工程量清单计价是我国建筑工程造价改革的必然;是与国际建筑工程造价贯例接轨的要求;它的实施必将推动我国工程造价、招标投标和工程管理的全面改革.
- Chapter 6 based on forenamed studying, bring forward the suggestions of IPOs pricing mode and market supervise, as well as company practise tactic. 第六章在前面研究的基础上,从定价方式、市场和上市公司三个层面提出IPO定价管理规范化的对策建议。
- RESULTS &CONCLUSION:The pricing mode concerning pharmaceutical E-tendering &bidding proxy service based upon the mode of price ceiling is suitable to the... 结果与结论以最高限价模式为基础的医药电子招投标代理服务定价模式,比较适合当前我国的实际情况。
- The research will analyze the diversiform telecom pricing mode appeared to classify them to the linear pricing, non-linear pricing and discrimination pricing by inside and outside. 本论文首先深入分析研究历史上的和市场上现有的各种电信资费模式,并将其归类到线性定价、非线性定价、网内外差别定价等等。
- Discussion About Bidding Method Of Engineering Bill 关于工程量清单招标方法的探讨
- The study on the pricing mode in IPOs in China 新股公开发行定价方式的探讨
- On the Significance of Promoting the Pricing Mode of the Quantities Bill in the Construction Engineering 建筑工程推行工程量清单计价模式的意义