- A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel. 海军机械军士长在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官
- It sounded as if the Engineering officer had been considering this solution for a while. 听起来好像工程师已经对这个解决方案考虑了很长时间。
- The Engineering officer is developing a list of attachment names and extensions that should be blocked from entering our enterprise. 工程师正在开发一个应被阻止进入我们企业的附件名和扩展名列表。
- I thought that our current messaging system was good enough, although my Engineering officer has been saying "Admin, I can't keep up with this spam!" Rather frequently lately. 虽然工程师最近十分频繁地对我说:“管理员,我简直无法应付这些垃圾邮件”,但我认为我们当前的邮件系统已经相当不错了。
- A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine roomof a naval vessel. 海军机械军士长在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官。
- The Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) was established after landslip disasters in the 1970s. 土力工程处是在七十年代发生连串山泥倾泻事件后成立的政府部门。
- Office-Boy Wanted in an engineering office; middle school boy preferred; state age,education,and experience. 某工程公司聘勤杂员一名,须中学程度,请将年龄,学历及经验,详细函列。
- Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room). 这是我们的工程技术办公室(绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室)
- Engineer officers were beginning to be regarded as almost human. 人们开始对轮机员这个职业变得尊重了。
- Office-Boy Wanted in an engineering office; middle school boy preferred; state age, education, and experience. 某工程公司聘勤杂员一名,须中学程度,请将年龄,学历及经验,详细函列。
- This 8,000 square meter facility encompasses engineering offices, test laboratories, tooling shop, and training rooms. 这个占地面积8,000平方米的工程中心由工程办公室、实验室、加工车间和培训室组成。
- Seventy years ago the erstwhile Porsche engineering office relocated from downtown Stuttgart to the first, newly built Porsche plant in Zuffenhausen. 70年前从前保时捷工程办公室搬迁到市中心斯图加特的第一次,新落成的保时捷工厂楚豪森。
- Yokogawa‘s global network of 18 manufacturing facilities, 80 companies, and over 650 sales and engineering offices spans 30 countries. 横河电机于1915年成立,在全球30个国家都拥有其网络,包括18个加工厂,80家公司,650多家销售和工程办事处。
- Google said Boon-Lock Yeo, director of its Shanghai engineering office, would take over Lee's engineering responsibilities. 谷歌方称:上海工程部负责人杨文洛将接管李开复掌管的全部工程方面的事务;
- Yokogawa's global network of 18 manufacturing facilities, 84 companies, and over 650 sales and engineering offices spans 33 countries. 横河的全球网络, 包括18个生产工厂, 84家公司,以及超过650个销售和工程办事处,遍布33个国家。
- Deputy Chief Naval Engineering Officer 海军副首席工程军官
- Fleet Marine Engineering Officer 舰队陆战队工程军官
- MVA Asia Limited, Ridership and Revenue Forecasts For HSR Privatisation Final Report, prepared for Provisional Engineering Office of High Speed Rail, Mar. 1997. 张学孔,台湾高速铁路营运与车站规划技术报告,台湾高速铁路企业联盟委?财团法人台北市交通文教基金会办理,1998年1月。
- Fleet Weapons Engineering Officer 舰队武器工程军官
- Staff Marine Engineering Officer 参谋部海洋工程军官