- Nicholas' reputation for generosity, kindness and miracles earned him a widespread reputation and eventually sainthood. 尼古拉斯的慷慨、仁慈和圣迹为他赢得了广泛的声誉,最终被尊为圣徒。
- Yours 22 inquire firm enjoy a good reputation. 22日电所探询的公司,一向声淮良好。
- Batik prints enjoy a world-wide reputation. 蜡染花布,驰誉世界。
- China's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad. 我国的工艺美术品蜚声海外。
- I can't enjoy a hurried breakfast; I like to take my time about it. 我不能匆匆忙忙地吃早餐,我喜欢从容不迫地吃。
- Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. 当今吸烟已成了很多人的习惯。
- Here visitors can chat over tea or enjoy a game of chess. 这里游人可以喝茶聊天,也可以下棋。
- He was known for basing his writings on simple and national styles which enjoy widespread reputation both in China and abroad. 他的创作以民族化、通俗化著称,在国内外享有盛誉。
- There seems to be a widespread change of attitude. 看来态度有普遍的改变。
- English is a widespread language. 英语是一种很普及的语言。
- This is a widespread and polymorphic species. 这是一广布的和多态的种。
- I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man, but this is going too far. 我跟别人一样喜欢开玩笑,但这个玩笑太离谱了。
- My husband loves adventurous life while I enjoy a more peaceful domestic life. 我丈夫喜欢充满冒险的生活,而我则喜欢宁静的家居生活。
- It enjoys a high reputation in China and abroad. 它在国内外享有盛名。
- He enjoys a good reputation as a physician. 他是位享有名望的内科医师。
- He enjoyed a great reputation as an antiquarian. 他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家。
- There is a widespread belief that the company is in financial trouble. 很多人认为该公司财务陷入困境。
- The workers enjoy a full and varied cultural life. 工人们的文化生活丰富多采。
- To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately . 若要享有良好的声誉,就应公开施舍、暗里偷窃。
- Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance. 民间音乐现在又时兴起来了。