- The bill was about to be defeated, but at the eleventh hour enough votes were found to pass it. 这个议案几乎要被否决,最后一刻却获得了足够票数得以通过。
- EXAMPLE "Whoever wins in Florida will have enough votes to break the tie. 谁赢了弗罗里达谁就能打破僵局获得足够的选票赢得比赛。
- The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose. 选举结束时的票数让这个侯选人认输了。
- The bill was about to be defeated,but at the eleventh hour enough votes were found to pass it. 这个议案几乎要被否决,最后一刻却获得了足够票数得以通过。
- The bill was about to be defeated, but at theeleventhhour enough votes were found to pass it. 这个议案几乎要被否决,最后一刻却获得了足够票数得以通过。
- Steny Hoyer, the current number two in the House Democrats' hierarchy, says he has enough votes to win. 现任民主党督导霍耶说自己有足够的把握赢。
- In the Senate, Republicans have just enough votes to mount a filibuster and block bills. 参议院内共和党人票数刚好够动用阻挠议事程序,终止法案。
- House Majority Leader Hoyer that the program in the Senate may be able to get enough votes in support. 众议院多数党领袖霍耶认为,该方案在参议院可能能够获得足够多的支持票。
- Governor Reeder vetoed these bills.But there were enough votes to reject his veto and pass the new laws. 执政官里德否决了这些法律,但立法会上有足够的票数来否决他的否决,并最终通过了这些法律。
- Browder said he did not need any public relations aid as he already had enough votes to get a board seat. 去年夏天,因侵吞公司资产和大搞裙带关系等股东指控,俄罗斯政府已经而撤换了该公司的管理层。
- The candidate did not have enough votes to secure an outright win in the election. 该名候选人的票数不足以使他在选举中大获全胜。
- People briefed on the matter say that it could be clear as soon as Monday whether there are enough votes to put the sale over the top. 人们讲述此事说,它可以清楚尽快周一,是否有足够的票数把出售的顶部。
- Whether Republicans have enough votes to beat the narrow Democratic majority depends upon their ability to entice Democratic defections. 共和党人是否能挫败民主党领导的国会取决于他们是否能成功捕捉到民主党的弱点。
- After months of campaigning against well established parties, the Pirate Party has gathered enough votes to be guaranteed a seat in the European Parliament. 在与老牌政党交锋的数月后,盗版党已赢得足够票数来保证他在欧洲议会占有一席之地。
- The President's proposal looks like a dead duck -- some congressmen in his own party are against it, so I'm afraid he won't get enough votes to get it passed through the Congress. 这个人说:“总统的提案看起来是没有希望了,连他自己党内的议员都反对,所以他恐怕不能获得足够的票数使得这一提案在国会通过。”
- The New Hampshire bill squeaked through on a 178-167 vote after an hour of debate. Both chambers appear to be far short of enough votes to override a veto. 新罕布什尔州以178票赞成对167票反对侥幸通过了这一法律,投票前两院成员辩论了一个小时。反对票数远远不足以推翻投票结果。
- Despite the support of smaller countries like Austria, Finland and the Netherlands, the commission is not likely to gather enough votes to punish the truants, possibly with fines. 翻译:虽然得到了奥地利、芬兰和荷兰等小国的支持,欧盟委员会仍不可能得到足够的支持票来制裁德、法两国,但可能会对他们处以罚金。
- Musharraf's presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a two-thirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him. 为了民主,一个稳定的民主,一个稳定的巴基斯坦。”
- The Democratic Leader of the U.S. Senate said, there won't be enough votes in the Senate to approve the two impeachment articles against President Clinton. 留学解答资讯网:美国国会参议院民主党领导人说,参议院不会有足够的票数通过弹劾克林顿总统的两项条款。
- Mr. Musharraf"s presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a two-thirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him. 这次选举并不涉及总统选举,因此没有人挑战穆沙拉夫总统的地位,但是,如果反对派政党赢得议会中三分之二的议席,成为拥有绝对优势的多数党,他们将有足够的票数弹劾穆沙拉夫。