- Discussion is made on the necessity of accounting system reform from two aspects of establishing socialism market system and transforming state-owned enterprises administration. 从建立社会主义市场经济体制和转换国有企业经营机制两方面阐述了我国会计制度改革的必要性。
- Phoenix Enterprises Administration Consulting Company Limited is a professional organization about notarization consultation of standard system. It is an organization approved by National Notarization and Approval Supervision Committee. 菲尼克企业管理咨询有限公司是经国家认证认可监督委员会批准设立,从事标准体系认证咨询的国家化专业咨询机构。
- As a burgeoning major,the courses of public enterprise administration still are very faulty. 公共事业管理专业作为一个新兴的专业,其课程设置还很不完善。
- Has successfully taken the NPAP examination of Enterprise Administration Manager(Enterprise Administration) on Oct 1 2006, and passed the examination as an Enterprise Administration Manager. 2006年10月1日,参加全国高新专业人才培养项目培训后通过企业管理师(企业管理)考试,成绩合格,具备该专业领域相关技能。
- It also makes an analysis of some problems in the application of IT in enterprise administration and puts forward some countermeasures to improve enterprise administration with information technology. 对我国企业管理中信息技术运用方面存在的问题进行分析,并就以信息技术提升企业管理水平提出若干对策措施。
- Won the Innovation Research Award issued by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA with the manufacture technology of golf practice club to be the works of participating in the contest. 2004年荣获经济部中小企业处.;所颁奖之创新研发奖,参赛作品为高尔夫练习杆之制作技术。
- I hate the prodigal administration. 我痛恨铺张浪费的行政机关。
- If you do not have these permissions, contact an Enterprise administrator or top-level domain administrator. 如果您没有这些权限,请与Enterprise管理员或顶级域管理员联系。
- He is now studying business administration. 他现在在学习企业管理。
- By WEB issuing data on Internet, to provide new management means for coal enterprise administrator. 系统采用WEB发布,使矿井安全生产数据上网,为煤炭企业管理人员提供了新的管理手段。
- Energy balance guidance for coastal port enterpris. 沿海港口企业能量平衡导则。
- Constructions of Perfecting Board of Directors under Enterprises'Administration 论完善公司治理模式下的董事会构建
- The account you use to install ADC must be a member of the Enterprise Administrator, Schema Administrator, and Domain Administrator groups. 用来安装ADC的帐户必须是Enterprise Administrator、Schema Administrator和Domain Administrator组的成员。
- Only an Enterprise administrator or top-level domain administrator will have the permissions required to register display specifier objects. 只有Enterprise管理员或顶级域管理员有权注册显示说明符对象。
- She gained a diploma in Business Administration. 她取得了工商管理的学位证书。
- Entrepreneur of reality is it have entrepreneur quality-ability, their entrepreneur quality ability can show and enterprise administrator that is approve by society. 现实中的企业家是指拥有企业家素质能力、其企业家素质能力得以显示并得到社会认可的企业经营管理者。
- She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises. 她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。
- Beside, Linkman also owns an extraordinarily powerful advisory body, including famous scholars, headmasters, enterprise administrative talents, etc. 自成立以来,灵曼公司获得了国内外有关部门的支持和赞誉,以及从学校甚至社会的好评。
- The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment. 现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头。
- You should recommend where necessary to the enterprise administrator to include in the hierarchy a new type of firewall administrator that a Web service under development needs. 用户应该向企业管理员建议哪些地方有必要在层次体系中包括新型防火墙管理员,开发Web服务时需要这种管理员。