- The troops were entrenched near the mountains. 部队在群山边筑起壕沟以防卫自己。
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。
- entrenched solitude 根深蒂固的寡头政治
- The inertia of an entrenched bureaucracy. 平稳的官僚机构内存在的惰性
- They searched for a place where they could live in solitude. 他们寻找一个可以过隐居生活的地方。
- Arguments that only entrench you more firmly in error. 那些只能使你更加坚持错误的争辩
- The enemy were strongly entrenched on the other side of the river. 敌军在河的对岸用坚固的壕沟防守。
- The army entrenched themselves near the shore. 军队在海岸附近挖壕沟固守。
- He passed twenty-four years in solitude. 他在孤独中度过了二十四年。
- What had she been doing during that long solitude? 在那漫长的孤独生活中,她一直在干些什么呢?
- The enemy were entrenched beyond the hill. 敌人在山的那一边以壕沟防守。
- It was an area of depressing solitude. 这个地区孤寂到了令人窒息的地步。
- My destiny is solitude , and my life is work . 我的命运是孤独,我的人生是工作。
- Once in a while solitude is a supreme enjoyment. 偶尔,静静面对孤独,也是一种享受。
- They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts. 他们在无可否认的事实后面固守着自己。
- By midcentury, the myth was entrenched. 到本世纪中期,渴望金发的说法愈发深入人心。
- He entrenched himself behind his newspaper. 他躲在报纸后面。
- These are the sweets of solitude. 这就是独处的美妙之处。
- Loneliness and solitude had become her fate. 孤独和寂寞,成了她的命运。
- First impressions are firmly entrenched. 先入为主