- To seize and carry away by force. 抢走用武力抓住或夺取
- It is suggested that the well-being of each individual cell is dependent on the adequacy of its environment to furnish nutrition and carry away metabolites. 据认为各个细胞的健康取决于周围环境对它供应充足的营养物质并能运走其代谢产物。
- For again the Edomites had come and smitten Judah, and carried away captives. 因为以东人又来攻击犹大,掳掠子民。
- It's easy to get carried away at auction sales. You should take a tip from me and carry only as much money as you intend to spend. 在拍卖行很容易被说动花钱,所以你应听我的劝告,只带你计划好了要花的钱。
- Speak softly and carry a big stick. 说话要温和,但手里要拿着大棒。
- Still, their fossilization required a suite of factors: a slow rate of decay of soft tissues, little scavenging by other animals, a lack of swift currents and waves to jumble and carry away small bones, and fairly rapid burial. 但是它们的石化需要一系列因素:软组织的腐烂速度缓慢,很少被其它动物残食,缺少混杂、冲走小骨头的快速水流和波浪,以及相当快地被掩埋。
- He expects his daughter to fetch and carry for him all day. 他希望女儿终日听他支使。
- Well, the fox could not do anything at all.He was killed and carried away by the dog. 哎,狐狸无可耐何,被猎狗咬死叼走了。
- If all the garbage in the city is not picked up and carried away for a whole week, it will pile up on streets. 如果城市里的垃圾一个星期不处理,就会堆满街道。
- He was over-powered, bound hand and foot, hammered on the kneecaps and carried away to Ningpo. 他是个高个子,却被关进一个很小的木质牢笼,脖子上被带上铁环,他的手被铐在木棍上,木棍被系在脖子上的铁环上。
- Since James had his leg broken, he walks dot and carry one. 自詹姆斯断腿后,他走路就一瘸一拐的了。
- They smote also the tents of cattle, and carried away sheep and camels in abundance, and returned to Jerusalem. 又毁坏了群畜的圈,夺取许多的羊和骆驼,就回耶路撒冷去了。
- At six o'clock the waiter brought her dinner and carried away the typewritten bill of fare. 六点,服务员给莎拉送来晚餐,并带走了打印好的菜单。
- You can't expect me to fetch and carry for you all day. 你别指望我整天为你打杂。
- He was carried away by his enthusiasm. 热情使他的头脑不够冷静。
- Mr Hobbs bought food in bulk at the local cash and carry. 霍布斯先生在本地一家现购自运式商店购买了大量食品。
- As a great flood carries away a sleeping village, so death seizes and carries away the man with a clinging mind, doting on his children and cattle. 宠爱孩子与家畜者,其心执著于欲乐。他被死神捉走,如洪水冲掉沉睡中之村。
- Here the holy verses, the heavenly odes and laudations are intoned, and the heart is quickened, and carried away from itself. 在如此聚会里,神圣经文、颂诗和赞辞得以诵读,人心得以振奋和升华。”
- She swallowed her anger down and carried on. 她抑制住愤怒,继续了下去。
- Don't be carried away by success. 不要被胜利冲昏头脑。