- Review entry permit prior to making CSE. 实施进入有限空间前,预先回顾许可证。
- Production : Nano series and catalyst carriers (subject to the scope of the operating permit, entry permit to operate). 生产:纳米系列催化剂及其载体(以上范围需经许可经营的,须凭许可证经营)。
- In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the country of destination? 过境签目的国入境日期?
- In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination? 如需过境,你是否有进入最终目的国家的入境许可?
- An entry permit will be issued only on receipt of an original, properly completed entry permit application form. 入境处在收到申请表格正本,并审核妥当后才会发出获批准的进入许可。
- Entry permit labels are to be collected by the sponsors in Hong Kong for onward transmission to the applicants. 进入许可标签须由在港的保证人领取并转交申请人。
- Payment of fees should be made by the sponsor reference in Hong Kong at the time of collecting the entry permit. 费用须由保证人谘询人在香港领取进入许可时支付。
- Have you or any person included in this application ever been refused an entry permit or visa to Australia? 你或者本申请包括的其他人曾经被拒绝入境或者拒签过么?如果是,详细说明。
- You should submit your application for an entry permit through one of the authorised airlines. 则应经由认可的航空公司递交入境许可证申请书。
- In the HKSAR. However, you may not need a visa or entry permit for visit, depending on your nationality type of travel document you hold. 然而,假如你是来港旅游则可能毋须领取签证或进入许可,但要视乎你的国籍或所持证件类别而定。
- The pamphlet also lists out holders of passports who need to obtain a visa entry permit before they can come for visit or transit. 该小册子亦列明那些国家或地区的护照持有人需要事先申领签证入境许可证才可以来港旅游或过境。
- If the entrant has no proper travel document acceptable for traveling to Hong Kong, an entry permit will be issued instead. 倘投资者没有适当的来港认可旅行证件,入境处会发予进入许可。
- If you have a close connection with the HKSAR by birth or long period of residence in the Region, you may not require a visa or entry permit. 如你是因为在香港特区出生或居住而与香港特区有密切关系,可能毋须领取签证或进入许可。
- Frequent visitors who hold valid passports and are eligible to enter Hong Kong without a visa or entry permit may apply for a HKSAR Travel Pass. 经常访港并持有有效护照而毋须访港签证或进入许可的人士,可申请香港特别行政区旅游通行证。
- Persons who need a visa or entry permit for visit or purposes other than a visit should obtain the appropriate visa or entry permit before travelling to the HKSAR. 需要办理旅游签证或进入许可或因其他目的而需要来港的人士,应在来港前办妥合适的签证或进入许可。
- As an alternative, you may also submit your visa or entry permit application to the HKSAR Immigration Department either directly by post or through a local sponsor. 你亦可把签证或进入许可申请书直接递交或经由在港的保证人转交香港特区入境事务处。
- Applicants are required to produce their travel document to the Immigration Section of the Beijing Office so that a visa entry permit could be issued if the application is approved. 此外,申请人并须向驻京办入境事务组提交旅行证件,以便在申请获得批准后,当局能为其签发签证进入许可。
- To process applications for visa entry permit extension of stay travel document identity card; registration of persons births deaths marriages and related applications; and nationality applications. 办理有关签证入境许可证延期逗留旅行证件身份证的申请;人事出生死亡婚姻登记及有关的申请;以及国籍事宜的申请。
- Find out to which section of the Immigration Department you should submit your applications for visas entry permits and extensions of stay. 你可在此网页浏览有关递交签证及延长逗留期限申请的入境事务处组别,并查看其地址及办公时间。
- PRC passport holders who have obtained overseas permanent residence wishing to come to work in the HKSAR should apply for entry permits. 中国护照持有人如已取得外国永久居留,而又有意来港工作,必须申请进入许可。