- entry roll cone 进口辊圆锥
- H-Beam rolling processes with different vertical roll cone angles have been simulated by using three-dimensional elastoplastic finite element method. 针对不同立辊锥角的H型钢万能轧制过程 ,采用三维弹塑性有限元法进行了模拟 ,分析了不同锥角情况下翼缘的变形特点和水平辊轧制力的变化。
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- Lubrication for Rolling Cone Worm Gearing 滚锥包络环面蜗杆传动润滑研究
- There's no entry in his diary for that day. 他的日记上没有那一天的记录。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- Wear for Rolling Cone Worm Gearing 滚锥包络环面蜗杆传动磨损研究
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- You can leave your umbrella in the entry. 雨伞可放在入口处。
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- The boy gobbled up an ice-cream cone. 那个男孩大口大口地吃完了一个蛋卷冰淇淋。
- She is crazy about rock and roll. 她喜欢摇滚乐。
- I'm going to a rock and roll concert tonight. 我今晚正要去参加摇滚音乐会。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。
- Comparison of Two Roll Cone Shaped Roll Piercer with Three Roll Barrel Type Piercer 二辊锥形辊穿孔与三辊鼓形辊穿孔对比分析
- The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。
- If the table top isn't level, things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。
- The boy turned up missing at roll call. 小男孩在点名时不见了。
- Sergio: There is miso soup, a variety of sushi including hand rolled cones and tempura. 塞吉奥:还有酱汤,寿司有很多种,其中有手卷和天麸罗。