- Light intensity is the most important environmental factor. 光照强度是最重要的环境因素。
- It is possible that familial tendencies reflect common environment relationships or an environmental factor superimposed on a genetic one. 家族倾向性可能反映的是环境方面共有的关系或是在遗传因素上所附加的环境因素。
- Another environmental factor is the character of the Gulf Stream. 另外一个环境因素是墨西哥暖流的影响。
- The equivalent environment index (I), environmental factor (EF), and environmental loading (ELV) are clearly de-fined, respectively. 定量给出了具体材料在制造过程的环境影响值。
- Recognise, evaluate, control and improve environmental factor accordingly. 识别评价控制改善公司生产的环境因素。
- Moisture is the important environmental factor influencing the growth of Mikania micrantha. But few studies have described its adaptive capacity of adjusting and controlling the growth environment, including soil moisture and air humidity. 水分是影响薇甘菊(Mikaniamicrantha)生长的重要环境因子,但通过调控生长环境包括土壤水分和空气湿度来探讨这一入侵植物的适应能力的报道较少。
- The appearance of spot is due to disorders of incretion, plus external environmental factor. 斑的生成主要是由于内分泌的失调,加上外在的环境因素而引起的。
- Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture? 对无土栽培的环境设施调控,应考虑哪些主要的环境因素?
- Not resistant, especially to a disease or an environmental factor, such as heat or moisture. 易染上的不抵抗的,尤指对疾病或环境因素,如热或湿气
- The small-scale oscillatory zoning is formed through self-organization with no relevance to the environmental factor. 斜长石中小尺度韵律环带起因于自组织过程,而与环境因素无关。
- As a environmental factor,the salinities affect the toxicity of the Dichlorvos to the microalgae hardly. 本文对不同盐度下敌敌畏对海水小球藻的毒性效应进行了研究。
- WHY flow is the most important environmental factor controlling the ecology of river plants. 为什么说水流动对水生植物生态是最重要的环境因素??
- Fixed effects included measured environmental factors and genetic markers, and random effects included unmeasured family cultural environment (i.e. 假设遗传因素和环境因素共同作用于疾病表型。
- Nasal physiologic factor,mucoadhesive polymers factor and environmental factor all influence nasal mucoadhesion. 鼻腔的生理因素、黏附聚合物因素和环境因素都会影响鼻腔的黏膜黏附。
- Different cultural context and environmental factor, terms morals indifferent shape and way. 第二部分分析了现代社会的道德冷漠。
- Related environmental factors include heat, dehydration, and alcohol. 相关环境因素包括:高温、脱水和酒精。
- "The study shows how genetic and family environmental factors influence the ways in which we create our own social environment as we grow," Kendler said. “研究向人们展示了遗传和家庭环境因素如何影响在我们成长过程中建造自己的社会环境的方式。”Kendler说。
- Ultraviolet (UV) is one of the most important environmental factor in exciting lupus erythematosus(LE), part of LE patients being photosensitive. 紫外线(UV)是激发红斑狼疮(LE)的重要的环境因素之一,部分LE患者具有光敏感性。
- And such environmental factors would be illnesses, infections and stress. 并且这些环境因素将导致疾病、感染和压力。
- Seafloor magnetolluric detection is greatly influenced by environmental factor, which is different from onshore similar survey technology. 摘要海底大地电磁探测与陆上同类探测的技术差别之一是其测量过程受环境因素的影响较大。