- Environmental groups are opposed to killing whales. 许多环保组织反对捕杀鲸类,
- The plan has been endorsed by many environmental groups. 这个计划已得到很多环境保护组织的认同。
- The decision was criticized by environmental groups. 这个决定受到了环保团体的批评。
- These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups. 这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。
- Nobody rails against the phenomenon more than environmental groups. 没有人比环境组织责难这个现象更多。
- Environmental groups believe in and fight for biological diversity. 环保团体相信物种多样性并为此奋斗。
- The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups. (扑杀大量海豹宝宝的计画,已经激怒了环保组织。)
- Yu Jie, an adviser to a leading environmental group in Beijing, says China must accept responsibility to clean up its environment... 余洁(音译),作为北京一家主要环保团体的顾问,说中国必须承担清洁自己环境的责任...
- Environmental groups in Nevada and the Midwest have issued similar ultimatums. 内华达和中西部的环保团体也发布了类似的最后通牒。
- Environmental groups (Sery docting) are adopting similar (tiantics) tactics. 环境保护组织也采取同样的策略。
- This settlement policy was attacked by environmental groups, congressional oversight committees, and the media for failing to provide adequate protection of public health and the environment. 这一和解政策受到环境组织、国会监督委员会和新闻媒介的抨击,批评该机构未能为公共健康和环境提供充分的保障。
- The environmental groups Conservation International and Agrupacion Sierra Madre worked together to produce the book. 国际环境保护小组和一个名叫Agrupacion sierra Madre的墨西哥自然保护组织共同编写了这本书。
- Environmental groups push to preserve Antarctica as a world park, the last unsullied continent. 环境保护团体竭力主张把南极洲这块最后的洁净大陆作为世界公园来保护。
- Environmental groups say action is needed to find clean, renewable energy sources. 环境组织表示有必要采取措施寻找干净的、可恢复的能源。
- Esquel's plight is winning attention from international conservation and environmental groups such as Greenpeace. 艾斯圭尔的窘境正获得“绿色和平”等国际保育及环保团体的高度关切。
- Environmental groups have succeeded in putting the nuclear industry into a holding pattern. 环境保护主义者成功地使核工业进入了停滞阶段
- But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society. 但尽管环保团体对此乐观其成,这样零星的运动可能没办法对整个根深的用过即丢社会产生大转变。
- Environmental groups have joined to make a stand against the proposals for a road through the valley. 环保团体已经联合起来,反对在峡谷里修路的建议。
- Environmental groups were already less than enthusiastic about Salazar heading the Interior Department. 环保组织对萨拉查领导的内政部已不抱什么热情。
- The decision puts APCC in line with national environmental groups that have supported the project, Rodgers said. 这一决定使共同体在支持该项目方面与国家环保团体的意见相符合,罗杰斯说。