- Review of the research on environmental quality criteria of lead and cadmium in soil 土壤环境质量铅镉基准值的研究综述
- On the Establishment of Environmental Quality Criterion System and Evaluation System for residential Quarters 建立居住区环境质量标准及评价制度
- Objective To develop quality criteria of flu tea. 摘要目的建立流感茶的质量标准。
- environmental quality criteria 环境质量基准
- The results showed that the contents of heavy metals in cont-aminated soils were higher than quality criteria of soil environment allows. 现场采样和室内培养分析的结果表明,污染区内土壤重金属锌镉含量大大超过土壤环境质量标准。
- Objective: To study the quality criteria of Xuezhengan capsule. 目的:研究血症安胶囊的质量标准。
- Studies on Fluctuation of Hunan Environmental Quality Evolvement. 湖南省环境质量演进的波动研究。
- Environmental Quality Assessment of the GAP Base of Aloe vera L. 库拉索芦荟GAP基地环境质量的评价。
- Environmental quality assessment is a multifactorial assessment. 环境质量评价是一种多因素的评价。
- The overall environment in the whole country has not yet affected by radiation pollution and the radiation environmental quality remains at the past level. 全国整体环境未受到放射性污染,辐射环境质量仍保持在原有水平。
- Objective: To establish quality criteria of Rhizome Pinelliae Preparata. 目的:建立姜半夏的质量标准。
- In this paper, Osculating value was used in comparing environmental quality among environmental unit or rigional environment. 本文将密切值法应用于多个环境单元或区域环境质量优劣的比较。
- In order to investigate the relationship between environmental quality and growth, a Solow growth model is set up under the restraint of environment. 摘要为了考察经济增长和环境污染的关系,本文建立了一个包含环境约束的索洛增长模型。
- Objective:To decide the quality criterion of Shenzhu Jianpi Mixrure. 目的:制定参术健脾合剂的质量标准。
- The Department of Environmental Quality aims to protect and enhance the environment for the benefit of the public. Virginia citizens play an important role in DEQ activities. 描述:美国维吉尼亚州环境质量局的任务是保护并提高环境质量,经常组织市民参加环保活动。
- Improve our country's increasingly exasperate zoology environment, improve environmental quality, already made the task of forestry battlefront no time to delay. 改善我国日益恶化的生态环境,提高环境质量,已成为林业战线刻不容缓的任务。
- Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: Collision or Co-existence? 经济增长与环境质量:冲突还是共存?
- Surface water environmental quality standard GB 3838-98 was generally framed. 制定了GB3838-98地表水环境质量标准的总体框架。
- Gary O. Robinette, (1974) ,Plants, People and Environmental Quality. 謝平芳等,(1980),植物與環境設計,知音出版社。
- Title: Environmental Quality Assessment of the GAP Base of Aloe vera L. 关键词:库拉索芦荟;环境空气;土壤环境;水资源;评价;GAP