- Efforts should be made to specially protect and improve the ecological environment where human and environmental resources clash sharply. 重点保护和改善人口与环境资源矛盾尖锐区域的生态环境。
- In conclusion, the exploitation of free environmental resources will not cause the destruction of the ecological environment. 综合结果说明种植业系统对环境资源的利用不会引起生态环境的破坏。
- In YRB, the researches on the environmental resources and water quality management is still not satisfied, the implementation of environment and water quality management in the YR is weak. 但在黄河流域这些方面的研究还处于起步状态,特别是水量调度与河流生态环境的关系还没有成熟的研究成果可用于实践。
- Water is essential for human being, economic activities, and important environmental resources as well. 水资源是人类生存和社会经济发展的重要物质基础,也是重要的环境资源,水危机已严重影响人们生活,损害人类健康,阻碍经济发展,危及人类自身生存与发展。
- The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light. 生态环境两个或多个物种同时对有限环境资源的需求,如营养、生存空间或光照
- The environmental resources have rareness,should consider the environmental cost in economic development. 环境资源具有稀缺性,经济发展应当考虑环境成本。
- Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling. 我们对环境资源稀缺价值意识的增强,让这种忽略令人尤为担心。
- The efficient and responsible use of environmental resources, not merely the minimization and prevention of pollution, is a primary focus. 负责任且高效地使用环境资源,而不是单纯地防止和最小化污染,这是INFICON关注的焦点。
- Energy provides a common denominator for measurement of the value of environmental resources and economy in an ecological-economic system. 摘要通过对江西省11个地区(市)农林牧渔业主要产品的能值计算,分析了各地区(市)单位面积能值产出及人均农产品能值占有情况。
- The demonstration study is helpful to the protection of environmental resources and the sustainable development in the river basin. 该项实证研究可为政府科学地协调好流域环境资源保护与流域经济可持续发展提供决策依据。
- Theodore Roosevelt was the first American President who took environmental resources protection as an important national policy. 西奥多·罗斯福是把保护环境资源作为重要国策的美国第一位总统。
- Because of the commonality and time-lagality of environmental resources, the government played a critical role in eco-technology innovation. 由于环境资源的公共性、时滞性等特点,政府在生态技术创新过程中发挥重要的作用,是企业生态技术创新的主要推动力。
- But,administrative measures wouldn't provide a prefect and complete protection to stateowned environmental resources,civil remedy is still necessary. 但是,行政手段不可能对国有环境资源提供完整的保护,民事救济是不可或缺的。
- The article a lso proposes countermeasures to the acute climatic change in the comprehensive d evelopment of environmental resources. 并针对南京地区环境资源综合开发与利用中气候急剧变化提出了对策建议。
- Based upon the value theory of environmental resources, the defin it ion, content, and characteristics of environmental resources are introduced. 从环境资源的价值论出发,介绍了环境资源的界定,陈述了环境资源的内容与性质;
- Compared with the traditional tort,the environmental resources tort is a kind of special tort with remarkable characteristics. 环境资源民事侵权是一种特殊侵权行为,与传统的侵权行为相比较具有显著的特点。
- Of these, the most intense rivalries in the second regional concentration points and industries, environmental resources superiority areas. 其中,争夺最为激烈的区域集中在二线关口和产业、环境资源优越的地区。
- Tourism development in scenic areas such real estate project in fact has resulted in tourism and environmental resources irreparably damaged. 这类在景区开发的旅游房地产项目事实上已造成对旅游和环境资源不可修复的破坏。
- Tennant, D.L., “Instream Flow Regimens for Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and Related Environmental Resources, ” Proc.Of Symp.And Spec. 李载鸣,碧海水力发电工程-南溪坝最小生态维护放水量、鱼道设计标的鱼种及设计条件等研究计画,台北,中兴工程顾问公司,2000。
- Still facing severe environmental resources situation,China must take effective and feasible measures,implementation of the total discharge of pollutants to control and reduce. 面对依然严峻的环境资源形势,中国必须采取有效可行的措施,实现污染物排放总量控制和削减。