- He's the envy of the whole street. 整条街的人都很羡慕他。
- The boy's new toy was the envy of his friends. 这男孩的新玩具使他的朋友们很羡慕。
- Her many talents were the envy of all her friends. 她多才多艺,所有的朋友都很羡慕她。
- His talent is the envy of his colleagues. 他的同事都羡慕他的才能。
- He couldn't conceal his envy of me/envy at my success. 他遮掩不住对我的忌妒[对我的成就的忌妒]。
- He enjoyed the envy of his neighbours. 他为邻人们的羡嫉而陶醉。
- Knock [wallop] the(living)daylights out of sb. 将某人打得脑袋开花
- Envy of his friend's success poisoned his mind. 嫉妒朋友的成功使他产生了邪念。
- Pledge the health [success] of sb. 为某人的健康[成功]而干杯
- Take the mike[mickey, micky] out of sb. [英口]取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人;杀某人的威风
- He jewels were the envy of her rivals. 她的珠宝受到她对手的嫉妒。
- Tighten the noose around [round] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- Her many talents are the envy of all her friend. 她多才多艺,所有的朋友都很羡慕她。
- Lick the fat from the beard of sb. [废]先发制人,使别人无法取得成果或利益
- Take over [inherit] the mantle of sb. 继承某人的衣钵
- British television is the envy of the world. 英国电视节目令世人羡慕。
- Beat [knock, scare] the bejabbers out of sb. 狠狠揍某人一顿
- He' s the envy of the whole street. 整条街的人都很羡慕他.
- He couldn't conceal his envy of me. 他掩饰不住对我的忌妒。
- At that time he was the envy of his classmates. 在那个时期中他是一般同学所最羡慕的人。