- episodic ophthalmoplegia 发作性眼肌麻痹
- The book is written in an episodic format. 这本书是以一种松散的形式写成的。
- My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic. 我儿时的回忆是一些朦朦胧胧的松散片段。
- Bleeding may be continuous but is usually episodic. 出血可以是持续的,但常是间歇的。
- This is an old-fashioned episodic show. 这是个老式的插话式系列剧。
- Systemic steroid therapy was effective for painful ophthalmoplegia. 激素治疗痛性眼肌麻痹有效。
- Depositon is usually episodic rather than smoothly continuous. 沉积作用通常是周期性的而不是平稳连续的。
- Deposition is usually episodic rather than smoothly continuous. 沉积作用通常是周期性的而不是平稳连续的。
- Yet simultaneously they are fragmented, episodic, disorienting. 然而,同时他们分散、松散且令人迷惑。
- The book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together. 这本书是插话式的,事件并不总是连贯发生的。
- Typical pontine syndrome and pure ophthalmoplegia were seldom found. 结论桥脑腔隙性梗死占桥脑梗死的绝大多数且预后较好。
- It was seldom to find a typical pontine syndrome and pure ophthalmoplegia. 结论脑桥腔隙性梗死占脑桥梗死的绝大多数且预后较好。
- Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals. 年龄测定数据表明,铀矿物有着不同期的结晶。
- TUlving said.He argued that episodic memory required self-awareness. 他主张,形成事件记忆需要自我意识。
- The pain initially was steady, but after seeral hours became episodic. 起初疼痛无变化,但数小时后变成发作性的痛。
- The pain initially was steady, but after several hours became episodic. 起初疼痛无变化,但数小时时变成发作性的痛。
- External examination revealed erythema, warmth, eyelid edema, marked proptosis, conjunctival chemosis and complete ophthalmoplegia in the right eye. 外眼检查发现右眼红、热、眼睑肿胀、明显凸眼、结膜水肿以及完全眼肌瘫痪。
- A 24-year-old male suffered from acute-onset right-sided hemiparesis, dysarthria, and ophthalmoplegia in February 2001. 一二十四岁男性于,西元 2001 年二月,发生急性右侧肢体无力,构音困难,以及眼球转动受限的情形。
- Abstract: A 63-year-old man suddenly developed an isolated bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia(INO). 一位63岁的男性患者突发双侧缺血性INO。
- Conclusion Microvascular pathologic change may be the pathogenetic basis of ophthalmoplegia for diabetic patients. 结论糖尿病患者易合并眼肌麻痹,其微血管病变可能是临床发病的病理基础。