- equal public goods 准公共物品
- It is not conducive to the public good. 那无助于公共利益。
- The demand for public goods is elastic. 公共产品需求具有弹性。
- Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods. 非排他性是公共货物的特征。
- A public good is provided efficiently when the vertical sum of the individual demands for the public good is equal to the marginal cost of producing it. 当个人对公共商品需求的总和等于生产的边际成本时,公共商品的供给是最有效的。
- Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods . 非排他性是公共货物的特征。
- These families used a lot of their own money for the public good. 这些家族都曾把自己的大量钱财用于公益事业。
- Markets are not typically good arbiters of the public good. 市场的自由运作未必能够平衡公众利益。
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good. 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。
- Efficient provision of public goods requires that the sum of the individual MRSs equal the MRT, unlike private goods where each MRS equals the MRT. 公共产品的有效提供要求个人的边际替代率之和等于边际转换率,而不像私人产品,私人产品的有效提供要求个人的边际替代率等于边际转换率。
- Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good. 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good . 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。
- Eradication of those streets and bullied public good, the evil Street Rascal! 消灭那些招摇过市,欺压良好市民的恶街痞子!
- A public good that benefits only the members of a particular community. 地方公共产品。
- The government immediately appropriates the invention in "the public good. 政府立刻决定以有益于“公共利益”的名义向此项目注资。
- There are infamous hypocrites who promote their own advantage under color of the public good. 有些无耻的伪君子假公济私。
- It is equal to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我都一样。
- These individuals' desire for wilderness preservation converts wilderness areas into public goods. 这些保护荒野的人们的愿望是把荒野区域转变成公有物。
- The proportion of the private marginal income in the cost of public goods increases along with the increasing users. 私人边际收益占公共产品成本的比例随人数递增。
- Establishment of a global "public goods giant issued areas" and "elite release LAN Hai district. 设立了全球“公益巨人发布区”和“蓝海精英发布区”;