- equalization of land rent 平均地租
- What the landlords and the nobility exacted from them in the form of land rent was also chiefly for private enjoyment and not for exchange. 地主和贵族对于从农民剥削来的地租,也主要地是自己享用,而不是用于交换。
- But his exaction of land rent from the peasants is his principal form of exploitation. 但对农民剥削地租是地主剥削的主要的方式。
- The collection of land rent is his main form of exploitation; in addition,he may lend money,hire labour,or engage in industry or commerce. 地主剥削的方式,主要地是收取地租,此外或兼放债,或兼雇工,或兼营工商业。
- The collection of land rent is his main form of exploitation; in addition, he may lend money, hire labour, or engage in industry or commerce. 地主剥削的方式,主要地是收取地租,此外或兼放债,或兼雇工,或兼营工商业。
- Centering around construction of land rent, tax and fees system in Shenzhen city, the article consists of foreword and four chapters. 围绕深圳市土地租税费体系建设这一中心,论文分导言和四章展开论述。
- After self-questioning maladies of the traditional system of land utilization, people realize the value of land and acknowledge the existence of land rent. 人们在对过去制度的深刻反省中,认识到了土地的商品价值,承认了地租的存在。
- It has the advantage of the economic impact of the application of non-commercial housing market Housing, the use of land rent differentials increased government revenue. 这样做的好处是,经济适用房不冲击商品房市场,相反利用土地地租级差增加了政府财政收入。
- A Dutch and South African unit of land area equal to 2.1 acres. 摩肯荷兰和南非使用的土地面积单位,相当于2.;1英亩。
- Levying land rent is an important duty for all levels of department in land and resources system, also is the duty-bound task for all levels of organizations of land rent levying. 摘要做好地租征缴工作是法律法规赋予各级国土资源部门的重要责任,也是各级地租征收机构义不容辞的任务。
- She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned. 论智力,她和她哥哥不相上下。
- A person who owns a fair amount of good land,farms some of it himself without hiring labour,but exploits other peasants by means of land rent,loan interest or in other ways,shall also be treated as a rich peasant. 有的占有相当多的优良土地,除自己劳动之外并不雇工,而另以地租债利等方式剥削农民,此种情况也应以富农看待。
- A person who owns a fair amount of good land, farms some of it himself without hiring labour, but exploits other peasants by means of land rent, loan interest or in other ways, shall also be treated as a rich peasant. 有的占有相当多的优良土地,除自己劳动之外并不雇工,而另以地租债利等方式剥削农民,此种情况也应以富农看待。
- He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。
- We should be the equal of our word. 我们应该言行一致。
- Land rent model of Marx needs to be resurveyed once some factors changes,such as comparatively low organic composition of agricultural capital,property rights of land on the move and so on. 资本有机构成和地权流转等因素一旦发生变化,马克思农业地租模型的结论就需要重新审视。
- He said that he would be the equal of his word. 他说他一定会说到做到。
- I grow potatoes on my little plot of land. 我在那一小块地上种土豆。
- Attitude of work To be equal of your word. 工作作风说到做到,做就做好。
- The ship is within sight of land. 船在陆地看得见的地方。