- Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that. 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
- But many communication equipment and techniques have been out of date. 但是很多通信器材和技术已经过时。
- The equipment and technique characteristics of TSCC-CR mill made by Demag company are introduced in this paper. 介绍了曼内斯曼-德马克公司研制的薄板坯连铸连轧机的设备工艺特点。
- In finish process, professed equipment and technique for ironing be applied could more perfectly attain to the aim which customers require. 采用专业熨烫设备及技术更能达到制作的完美性。
- In this paper a uniform distribution of discharges in atmospheric pressure is achieved using improved DBD equipment and technique. 通过设备和工艺的设计和优化,在大气压下获得了均一、稳定的等离子体源。
- Process,equipment and technique index of vacuum pipeline waste col le ction system were introduced,and key technologies of the system were discussed. 对真空管道垃圾收集系统的工艺、设备及技术指标做了介绍,并对其关键技术进行了探讨。
- The knitting equipment and technique can effectively avoid fiber slippage on the reinforced layer, and improve the strength, flexibility and other mechanical properties of the plastic pressure hose. 该编织工艺和编织机能有效防止编织层纤维之间产生的滑移,改善塑胶压力软管的力学性能,提高塑胶压力软管的强度和柔韧性。
- After ameliorating electric ironing equipment and technique, the style and inherent trait of cashmere fabrics were upgraded dramatically, and the competition ability of products was heightened. 对电烫设备及工艺进行了改进,大大提升了羊绒织物的风格和内在品质,提高了产品的竞争能力;
- Key equipment and technique of production of nylon 6 FDY using homemade equipment(only import crimper) are described in detail,and the production of homemade equipment can be realizen. 对用国产设备(只引进卷绕头)生产中强尼龙6FDY的关键设备、工艺作了比较详尽的论述,并指出设备国产化是可行的。
- Granted,a snobbery of camping itself,based upon equipment and techniques,already exists; but it is of a kind that. 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
- Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists;but it is of a kind that. 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
- International Exhibition of Equipment and Techniques for the Construction and the Building Materials Industries. 国际建材工业设备技术展。
- International Show for Equipment and Techniques in Horticulture and Vegetable growing. 国际农作物和蔬菜种植设备技术展。
- Advanced equipment and techniques to reduce the spray drift in developed countries were reviewed. 该文分析了当前国外控制农药雾滴飘移的先进技术及喷雾部件的研究现状。
- Assits in evaluating and improving manufacturing methods ,layouts,equipment and techniques. 决定符合运作要求的人员及技能水平。
- Granted,a snobbery of camping itself,based upon equipment and techniques,already exists;but it is of a kind that. 即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。
- Discussion on method and technique of C. G. 浅谈微机制图的方法及技巧。
- Luoyang Hengzhan Electronic and Technique Co., Ltd. 洛阳恒展电子科技有限公司。
- A storage installation for military equipment and supplies. 军备仓库存放军事装备及物资的仓库
- Handsome duo with incredible charm and technique! 拥有不思议技巧的美型二人组!