- equipment system purchasing 设备系统采购
- NCR (Beijing) Financial Equipment System's ATM manufacturing facility was inaugurated and began production. 安迅(北京)金融设备系统有限公司新厂房落成开幕并正式投产。
- Now, the equipment system of RTG is controlled by PLC, while a work instruction is sent by the terminal operation system. 目前龙门吊机械系统主要被设备的PLC系统控制着,作业指令则是由码头操作系统发出的,两个系统之间不存在任何的数据交换。
- Characteristics of field maintenance of aeronautic equipment system was analyzed for improving the efficiency. 摘要为了提高航空装备一线维修保障的效率,对其特点进行了深入的分析。
- An equipment system providing pertinent information, at the right time and place, and in the right form, so that knowledgeable decision can be made. 在适当的时间和地点以适当的形式提供适当信息以作出智能式判定的一种设备方法。
- Statistical studies shall be conducted to analyse the variation present in the results of each type of measuring and test equipment system. 为分析在各种测量和试验设备系统测量结果中呈现的变差;应进行统计研究.
- Evolvable Hardware(EHW) is to make weapon equipment system be able to change its architecture as the organism to adapt the environment. 演化硬件能使武器装备系统像生物一样改变自身的结构以适应环境的变化。
- The most problematic areas listed were cost accounting standards;unallowable costs;and systems purchasing, estimating and budgeting. 列出的最大问题有成本计算标准、不允许的成本以及系统采办、估计和预算。
- This paper introduces the protocol of bluetooth de-tailedly,and brings forward its application to medical equipment system. 本文在详细介绍蓝牙协议的同时,提出了它在医疗卫生装备系统中的应用。
- Statistical studies shall be conducted to analyse the variation present in the results of each type of measuring and test equipment system . 为分析在各种测量和试验设备系统测量结果中呈现的变差;应进行统计研究.
- Netwar is one of main operational styles in the future information war,its core is the counterwork which human controls between equipment system and series centralized by network. 网络战是未来信息化战争的一个主要作战样式,核心是人参与下的是以网络为中心的武器装备体系之间的对抗。
- Under the new situation and system, the construction of jurisprudence for equipment support is an important work and a new researching subject for equipment system. 新形势、新体制下,装备保障法规体系建设是装备系统一项重要工作,也是一个比较新的研究课题。
- The paper analyzes the problems in the argumentation of requirements of weapon equipment and discusses the goal of requirements generation of weapon equipment system. 分析了装备需求论证中存在的问题,探讨了武器装备体系需求生成的目标。
- MOLLE is the primary field equipment system developed by and for the U.S.Army and each set incorporates a load-bearing vest, pockets, backpacks and a hydration system. MOLLE是的美国陆军主要装备系统,每一套MOLLE包含一个承载背心、口袋、背包和水袋。
- Abstract: A scientific and exact requirement analysis is the precondition or guarantee for the weapon equipment system to get a complete, unisonous and durable development. 中文摘要: 科学、准确的需求分析是武器装备体系全面、协调、可持续发展的前提和保证。
- In this paper, making the vacuum freeze-dry theory,the composition of equipment system, the craft as basis, the research of drying the pteridium aquilinum are actualized. 本文以真空冷冻干燥理论及其操作系统、工艺为基础,对蕨菜进行真空冷冻干燥工艺的试验研究。
- FLIR would not disclose the number of STAR SAFIRE III systems purchased by the Army thus far under the contract. FLIR公司并未透露美国陆军此次购买STAR SAFIRE III系统的具体数目。
- Vicarious area is to sell Hitachi Grear Motor for Parking System of Industrial Equipment Systems Group and relationship corporation. 代理的范围为株式会社日立产机系统及其关联公司制造的立体车库用日立牌齿轮电机的销售。
- In rail transport construction projects, import equipment system features high systematization, high proportion of investment and international tenders with high quality and precision. 摘要在轨道交通工程项目中,设备系统具有投资比重大、系统性强、涉外投标人严谨度高等特点。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。